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News tagged: Advocacy

Elections Toolkit for Accessible Book Funding in Canada

NNELS and CELA have released a federal elections toolkit to help supporters connect with and educate candidates about accessible reading.

News September 8, 2021 

Canada’s Museums and Election 2021

Canada’s national, provincial and territorial museums associations are calling on federal political parties to commit to updating Canada’s 30-year-old national museum policy and asking party leaders to share their vision for Canada’s museums prior to election day.

News September 4, 2021 

CHLA Releases Statement on the Importance of Hospital Libraries

“A hospital without a library is missing a key part of the healthcare team, and cannot in good conscience claim to be providing evidence-based care to their patients.”

News May 17, 2021 

CFLA: Bill C-10 Opens Door to Infringement of Canadians’ Freedom of Expression

Restoring the exemption for end-user content brings Bill C-10 in line with other relevant legislation and provides assurance that Canadians’ freedom of expression will not be abridged through CRTC regulation.

News May 5, 2021 

Budget 2021: An analysis by Impact Public Affairs for CFLA

Impact Public Affairs, the Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ (CFLA) government relations firm, has prepared an analysis of the 2021 federal budget.

News April 21, 2021 

Canadian Federation of Library Associations Update (Spring 2021)

An update on recent activities of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA).

News April 10, 2021 

Library Community Response to Consultation on Copyright Term Extension

CARL today released a joint response, with CFLA, to the Government of Canada’s Consultation Paper on copyright term extension.

News March 29, 2021 

Update to Planned Reduction to Federal Funding for Accesible Reading Materials; NNELS, CELA Response

The federal government yesterday announced a change to the planned reduction in funding to NNELS and CELA for accessible reading materials.

News March 17, 2021 

Library and GLAM Sector Submissions to 2021 Pre-Budget Consultations

Library and GLAM sector organizations call for federal support for broadband connectivity, access to e-content, municipal funding, library support for vulnerable populations, accessible reading material, and Canadian publishers and booksellers.

News January 4, 2021 

National Library Associations Speak Out on Tech Industry Censorship and Access to Government Information

Over the last two weeks, Canada’s national voices for the library community issued statements on access to government information and censorship by the tech industry.

News October 4, 2020