News tagged: Indigenous Peoples
First Nation Communities READ Announces Winners of the PMC Indigenous Literature Award

Congratulation to Clayton Gauthier (The Bear’s Medicine) and Drew Hayden Taylor (Chasing Painted Horses) on being selected for the 2020-2021 PMC Indigenous Literature Award.
News September 24, 2020
A Reconciliation Framework for Canadian Archives

The Vision, 6 Principles, 7 Objectives and 33 Strategies presented herein are intended to form a practical framework supporting the Canadian archival community as it begins to redress its colonial legacy.
News August 3, 2020
Survey: The Academic Library and Truth & Reconciliation Initiatives

This survey is open until August 31, 2020.
News June 17, 2020
Enquête : La bibliothèque universitaire et les initiatives de vérité et de réconciliation

Cette enquête est ouverte du 1er juin au 31 août 2020
News June 17, 2020
LAC Announces Recipients of $2.3 Million in Funding to Preserve Indigenous Culture and Languages

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) this week announced the funding of 31 projects through the Listen, Hear Our Voices initiative “to help Indigenous organizations to digitize their existing culture and language recordings, and build the skills, knowledge and resources they need to carry out this work in their communities.”
News January 8, 2020
Call for Papers: IFLA Journal Special Issue on Indigenous Librarianship

IFLA Journal and IFLA’s Indigenous Matters Section are pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue focused on theory and practice in Indigenous librarianship.
News December 21, 2019
CFLA Launches #VoteCdnLibraries Campaign

The Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) today launched its campaign to advance its four key issues during the 2019 Federal Election Campaign.
News September 30, 2019
Nelson Webinar Series on Truth and Reconciliation in K-12 and Post-Secondary Education

Nelson Education is hosting a series of webinars this Fall to explore strategies that will assist educators in achieving their goals of Indigenization and move closer towards reconciliation.
News September 4, 2019
Bestselling Indigenous Books in Canada
What were the bestselling Indigenous books in Canada over the past 52 weeks?
News July 2, 2019
CFLA and NIKLA Release First Nations, Métis, and Inuit – Indigenous Ontology (FNMIIO)

The Indigenous Ontology is a working list of Indigenous Names to better reflect how Indigenous people currently prefer to refer to themselves.
News July 1, 2019