News tagged: Literacy
New IRPP Paper: Reinstating Canada’s Adult Literacy Knowledge Infrastructure Requires Federal Leadership

A new paper from the Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP) argues that, to provide literacy practitioners with the tools to do their work effectively, the federal government should play a leading role in reinstating that knowledge infrastructure, and makes several recommendations for how to achieve this.
News June 2, 2024
Library and GLAM Sector Submissions to 2021 Pre-Budget Consultations

Library and GLAM sector organizations call for federal support for broadband connectivity, access to e-content, municipal funding, library support for vulnerable populations, accessible reading material, and Canadian publishers and booksellers.
News January 4, 2021
Canada’s Premiers Announce 2018 Literacy Award Recipients

Recipients of the 14th annual Council of the Federation Literacy Award include: Red Deer Public Library Adult Literacy Program, Sara Grant (Manager of Youth Services, Surrey Libraries), and Judy Craig (Regina Public Library).
News July 21, 2018