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News tagged: Privacy

Recent Library of Parliament Research Publications (April 2023)

The Library of Parliament has recently released a number of research publications on topics of interest to the library and information management community.

News April 5, 2023 

Highlights from the Report of the Public Inquiry into the 2022 Public Order Emergency

Highlights from the Report of the Public Inquiry into the 2022 Public Order Emergency of interest to the Canadian library and information management community

News February 19, 2023 

Exploration of the Impact of Canada’s Information Management Regime on First Nations Data Sovereignty

The discussion paper from the First Nations Information Governance Centre explores the conflicts between the current Canadian information management regime and First Nations data sovereignty and offers suggestions for further exploration that may offer short‑term and long‑term improvements of the system.

News August 30, 2022 

Recent Library of Parliament Research Publications (March 2022)

The Library of Parliament has recently released a number of research publications on topics of interest to the library and information management community.

News March 1, 2022 

Privacy and COVID-19 Vaccine Passports

“Vaccine passports must be developed and implemented in compliance with applicable privacy laws. They should also incorporate privacy best practices in order to achieve the highest level of privacy protection commensurate with the sensitivity of the personal health information that will be collected, used or disclosed.”

News May 19, 2021 

Recent Library of Parliament Research Publications (May 2021)

The Library of Parliament has released a number of research publications on topics of interest to the library and IM community, including: Broadband, Census, COVID-19, Early Childhood Education, Homelessness, Indigenous Peoples, Information Literacy, Privacy

News May 17, 2021 

Social Media Privacy in Canada 2020

A Canada-wide survey on social media users’ privacy practices and attitudes towards social media data use by third parties.

News November 24, 2020 

Recent Library of Parliament Research Publications (April 2020)

The Library of Parliament has released a number of research publications on topics of interest to the library and IM community, including: Privacy, Freedom of Expression

News April 30, 2020 

Federal Government Kicks-Off Review of Broadcasting and Telecom Polices

The review will update and modernize the legislative framework in a balanced way that takes into account the realities of Canadian consumers and businesses, and our artists, artisans and broadcasters without increasing the cost of services to Canadians.

News June 5, 2018 

Privacy by Design: Recommendations to Update PIPEDA and Improve the Privacy of Canadians

House of Commons committee report makes 19 recommendations to update PIPEDA and to improve the protection of Canadians’ privacy in their relation with private sector organizations.

News March 2, 2018