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News tagged: Surveys

2018 State of Canadian UX Survey

The report will track a variety of indices, from demographics to practice maturity levels, training sources to UX salary figures, roles to design, research and collaboration toolsets, etc.

News July 16, 2018 

Canadian Collections Care Survey / Sondage canadien sur le soin des collections

The objective of this survey is to collect data that can be used for advocacy campaigns, fundraising, programming or planning by a variety of associations and organizations.

News June 17, 2018 

Call for Participation: Academic Librarians’ Workload Study

A study of factors that contribute to workload issues for academic librarians: “Factors associated with academic Librarians’ perceptions of workload”

News June 17, 2018 

Are you a mid-career professional? Please participate in this survey

Would you be willing to give some of your time to complete a survey questionnaire for a research project investigating the continuing professional development (CPD) needs of mid-career library professionals?

News October 1, 2017 

Research survey for librarians of housebound services

This study is designed to explore ways the traditional housebound service can expand to help ease isolation in housebound patrons.

News September 8, 2017 

Survey on Games in Public Libraries

This is an invitation to participate in a research study that is being conducted to gauge the saturation of games in Canadian public libraries.

News May 31, 2017 

Public Library Workers: Invitation to Participate in Survey on Mental Health and Young Adults in Public Libraries

Public library workers who work and interact with young adults wanted for a study about young adult mental health and wellness in public libraries

News May 25, 2017 

Survey of Information Literacy Instruction Practices in Canadian Academic Libraries

Are you an academic librarian with instructional responsibilities? You are invited to participate in an online survey aimed at Canadian academic librarians.

News December 22, 2016 

Survey – Secondary Trauma and Archivists: A Study into the Need for Services in the Canadian Archival Community

We are asking archivists and records professionals working in Canada to kindly participate in our study “Secondary Trauma and Archivists: A Study into the Need for Services in the Canadian Archival Community.”

News September 15, 2016 

The State of Digital Publishing in Canada 2015

Infographics with highlights from BookNet Canada’s third annual State of Digital Publishing in Canada survey.

News May 18, 2016