Library Services in the Department of Justice: Then and Now
October 12, 2018
In Our Own Words is a series of videos from the Department of Justice that feature interviews with employees, leaders, and alumni as they share their passionate, individual stories about the Department’s history.
“Library Services: Then and Now” features Fiona McPherson, Manager of Digital Transformation Services in the Department’s Information Services Division.
As Manager of Digital Transformation Services at Information Services, within the Department of Justice, Ms. McPherson explains how the term “library” has changed quite dramatically over the years. She observes that, in her career, both the legal field and the use of the library have gone from being completely based on print to straddling print and digital, to being primarily digital.
Services de Bibliothèque : Alors et Aujourd’hui
En tant que gestionnaire des services de transformation numérique au sein des Services d’information du ministère de la Justice, madame McPherson explique comment le terme « bibliothèque » a plutôt radicalement changé au fil des ans. Elle remarque que, durant sa carrière, le domaine juridique et l’utilisation de la bibliothèque sont passés d’un monde complètement imprimé, au chevauchement de l’impression et du numérique, pour devenir un système nettement numérique.
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