Child and Youth Expo 2022
November 7, 2022 09:15 - 17:00
Theme: Deliver Us From Legacy: Bridging the Gap to Inclusion
The OPLA Child and Youth Services Committee presents an annual forum for children’s and youth library services staff and other stakeholders to exchange ideas and learn about innovative programs and services in order to provide the best programming for children and youth.
Deliver us from legacy! This year’s Child and Youth Expo will be diving into fresh starts, new methods, and working through negativity and red tape. The lens through which we’ll be exploring is accessibility.
How do we make programs, services, and collections accessible for everyone leading to universal popularity and use — while also being creative and trying new methods?
Join us on this adventure of practical and real-world information, tips, and techniques to hit the ground running in 2023. Be prepared to break mental shackles and imagined boundaries!