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Annual Institute on the Library as Place 2019


July 10, 2019 13:00 - July 11, 2019 16:30





Theme: Weaving Stories. Tailoring Spaces: Libraries as Fabric of the Community

The purpose of the Annual Institute on the Library as Place is to provide a learning opportunity for the library, municipal, design, and architect sectors to learn more about physical space (e.g., characteristics of great futureoriented spaces; advocacy for the library as physical space; effective collaboration with communities, architects, project managers, municipal officials, and builders) and to become equipped to plan and respond quickly to capitalize on opportunities for development and redevelopment for all types of libraries. Participants are from the public, school, special and academic library sectors, in addition to municipal decision makers, architects and designers. The event hosts approximately 150 delegates each year. While hosted in Ontario, delegates from any province/country are welcomed.

The Annual Institute is a great place to meet people who are also embarking on similar design and building projects. It’s always a good idea to bring your project drawings or schematics with you, so that you’re able to refer to them during the workshops or informal chats at your table. The people in the room come from libraries of varying sizes, architecture firms, design companies and furniture manufacturers – make sure to chat and make connections with as many people as possible!