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IM Means Business: Creating IAs for GCDOCS – Set Business Up for Success


March 3, 2016 10:00 - 12:00




Location: Sheraton Ottawa Hotel, Penthouse A/B (150 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON)
Date & Time: Thursday, March 3rd from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Cost: Free

Registration: Please contact by March 1, 2016 to register for this program meeting.

Land business’ information into GCDOCS intuitively. Position internal services (including management and oversight) ‘correctly’.

FC into the IA with a 2 cups of GVT, half cup of IMCC, and a sprinkling of M&O. What about the hot spice known as Metadata? These acronyms are the ingredients of a tasty GCDOCS soup. Right now, IM Policy shops’ Master Chefs are all in their kitchens working franticly on baking the GC’s next greatest Architectural Soup. The implied recipe book seems to say that the soup “will taste great”.

“Will it?”

If you work in IM Policy and are tasked with solving this puzzle, you know just “how easy it is”. No worries, help is on the way. Help in the form of solid ideas and lessons learned from those implementing GCDOCS with new IM Architectures that both work for business and enable IM.

Pure function based or subject based models of the past forced users to file to many shared places that did not support how they viewed their work and thus resulted in ‘pick a number any number’ filing behaviour. The IM community recognizes that user adoption of GCDOCS will only happen if we give every knowledge worker an intuitive shelf for their information that supports how they work. Business and IM language can co-exist in the same folder structure.

Join Trevor Banks, Head of IM Policy and Best Practices at Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, as he gathers some of the leading minds currently tasked with building IAs that are intuitive to knowledge workers, disposition focused and cyclically maintainable. The conversation will also cover how Management and Oversight can be leveraged throughout an organization and how operations can access internal services activities within their operational section of the file plan.

If you work in a departmental IM Policy shop, then this is the session for you.

Joining Trevor to present their work: are representatives from Parks Canada, INAC and NRCan.

About the Speakers

Trevor Banks, the National Coordinator, IM Policy and Best Practices, AANDC, is, an IM professional and adult educator with over 20 years experience in Canadian federal government IM programs, has specific expertise in the realities and practicalities of leading IM Awareness and Training initiatives. He chairs a Government wide community of practice on IM awareness and learning. He has a passion for helping the IM community to create better awareness and training responses when engaging employees on their IM responsibilities.

Linda Lee (M.L.I.S.) is a senior IM consultant with Systemscope, a strategic consulting firm in the National Capital Region. She has worked with Government of Canada clients in the information management realm for over 15 years in areas that include information architecture, metadata design and taxonomy development, IM strategic planning, IM awareness and records management. Linda is currently working as the information architect on the GCDOCS Project at Parks Canada.

Jason Abdelhadi (M.L.I.S.) is also an IM consultant with Systemscope. He has worked as an information architect on major GCDOCS implementations at NRCan, AAFC, and DND. Jason’s approach to EDRMS sees the necessity to balance policy and legislative requirements with the fundamental needs of business and the end-user. To that end, in recent years Jason has specialized in building metadata-based IA models as well as GCDOCS configurations of folders, metadata and records management that aim for both usability and sound document and records management.

Elisa Frost is a senior IM consultant specializing in implementing large scale information management solutions for the Canadian Federal government, U.S State Governments, as well as the North American aerospace industry. Over the last 8 years she has worked with Government of Canada clients in the realms of IM Policy, IM awareness, Information Architecture Development and GCDOCS implementation. Elisa is currently engaged with teams at both Environment and Climate Change Canada and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada to help develop and evolve their information architectures and IM policy suites.