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Book Summit 19


June 18, 2019 09:00 - 17:30





Theme: Breaking New Ground: Toward the Next Decade of Publishing

Book Summit 19 encourages reflection and prediction but above all challenges us to publish with intention. Publishing can shape, not only adapt to, emergent cultural and technological landscapes. Book Summit 19 provides opportunities to explore new markets, audiences, models and relationships that confront assumptions and widen the circle.

How can publishers best champion new voices and address necessary conversations?  How do we establish mentorship models within organizations and foster new generations of book lovers? How can publishers maximize the impact of social media marketing and television’s thirst for well-told stories? How do we institutionalize inclusivity and diversity within the industry?

The speakers at Book Summit 19 are engaged in the crucial work of re-imagining publishing landscapes and empowering creative storytelling across platforms. Join us in facing a new decade of publishing driven by intention, innovation and imagination. Breaking new ground is just a beginning.