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Dalhousie IM Public Lecture: Copyright Law and Text and Data Mining – Does the Canadian Copyright Act Need to be Amended?


March 3, 2022 17:30 - 18:30





Lecture Details
Thursday, March 3rd, 2022
5:30 to 6:30 pm (Atlantic) | 4:30 to 5:30 pm (Eastern) | 1:30 to 2:30 pm (Pacific)
Microsoft Teams

Text and Data Mining (TDM) represents an increasingly important research method across a range of scholarly disciplines, as well as in journalism, education, civil society, and a range of commercial research. Text analysis is used in the humanities and social sciences to examine corpi of books, newspapers, social media, transcripts, web sites, historical and government documents, and other data to analyze and document historical events, places, media coverage, topics or themes, and language. Copyright can be a barrier to such initiatives and can have a chilling effect on research, journalism, and civil society projects. Recent empirical research shows that strict or unclear copyright rules have a negative impact on the use of TDM techniques for research purposes. This presentation discusses the status of TDM activities under the Canadian copyright law regime, including the limits of licensing solutions, the applicability and limits of the fair dealing doctrine, before delving into the question of whether a specific copyright exception would provide greater legal certainty for the stakeholders.

Bio: Lucie Guibault is professor of intellectual property law and Director of the Law and Technology Institute at the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada. She joined the Schulich School of Law in July 2017, after spending twenty years at the Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam. She studied civil law at the Université de Montréal (LLB and LLM) and received in 2002 her doctorate from the University of Amsterdam. Lucie is specialized in international and comparative intellectual property law. Over the years, she has carried out research for numerous European, Canadian and international organizations. Her general research interests revolve around the critical and normative analysis of the copyright system, primarily looking at the impact of technological change on the balance of interests between rights owners and users. She has countless publications on topics relating to copyright and related rights in the information society, open content licensing, collective rights management, limitations and exceptions in copyright, and author’s contract law.


The Information Management Public Lectures give attention to exciting advances in research and professional practice. The topics are diverse reflecting the importance and global extent of Information Management in today’s society. The lectures are free of charge and open to all, unless otherwise stated.