Survey on Orientation Sessions in Special Libraries
February 8, 2020
The goal of this survey is to explore library orientation practices in special libraries and information centers. Special libraries include but are not limited to libraries or information centers in corporations, government departments and agencies, law firms, hospitals, and non-profit organizations. While significant attention has been paid to library orientations in academic libraries, there is little research available on new client / user orientations to library and information services in the special library and information center space.
This study includes 15 questions and may take 5-10 minutes to complete. The questions relate to your organization’s new user orientation practices.
Are there any risks to me for participating in the research?
There are no risks to participation in this survey. Participation is voluntary and responses will be anonymous. You may terminate your participation at any time during the survey. Continuing with the survey indicates your consent to participate.
Melissa Fraser-Arnott, MLIS PhD
Co-Chair Marketing Section, Leadership and Management Division (LMD), Special Libraries Association (SLA)
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