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WILU 2024 – Call for Proposals

WILU 2024 – Call for Proposals

October 7, 2023

The 2024 Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) marks the 51th conference devoted to teaching and learning in libraries. Presenters and attendees from Canada and beyond meet to discuss information literacy as it continuously evolves in various library settings.

The Planning Committee invites proposals for WILU 2024, hosted from May 15-17th, 2024, at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Richmond (Metro Vancouver), BC, Canada.

Conference Theme – Embracing Change

We invite proposals that consider what it means to embrace change in an evolving and ever-shifting landscape. How can we actively build the future, enrich the present, and embrace change to build upon the tried and true or experiment with new approaches within library instruction? We welcome proposals from a wide range of topics, which may include: Artificial Intelligence; academic integrity; indigenous knowledge; indigenous academic integrity; universal design in instruction (UDI); equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility; teaching outside the box; collaborations; library ambassadors; compassionate community, and any other areas that may be of interest to you and your peers!

Types of sessions

Presentations – These 45-minute sessions, consisting of a 30-minute presentation and a 15-minute discussion, allow you to report on original research, leading-edge practice or both.

Workshops – These 90-minute practical workshops allow you to share knowledge and expertise through active learning that enable participants to develop and hone particular skills around the theory and practice of information literacy instruction.

Panel discussions – These 45-minute panel discussions allow you and up to 4 colleagues to share thoughts, opinions, and experiences about timely projects or controversial issues through short presentations followed by interactive discussion fueled by audience questions.

Proposal Requirements

Each proposal must contain:

  1. Name and e-mail address of primary contact
  2. Names and affiliations of other presenters
  3. Title and abstract (for the program should your proposal be accepted, up to 100 words)
  4. Description
  5. Presentation – up to 350 words
  6. Workshop – up to 500 words (include learning outcomes and active learning strategies)
  7. Panel discussion – up to 350 words

Proposals will be accepted until December 4th, 2023.


Proposals will be peer-reviewed and assessed on the following:

  • Originality and contribution of the proposal to the field
  • Clarity and rigour of the submission
  • Timeliness of the topic
  • Implications and applications for current practice

All applicants will receive notice of acceptance or rejection by mid-January, 2024 . Those who have been accepted will need to confirm that they will present at the conference. For a presentation to be included in the program, at least one presenter must register and attend the conference. Please note, presenters will be responsible for registration, travel and accommodation costs as well as any other expenses.

WILU Conference Program Submission Form

(Via WILU 2024)

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