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Everything tagged: Government libraries

News Release: NRC-CISTI and Infotrieve Collaboration

Infotrieve, Inc will be collaborating with NRC-CISTI to provide document delivery services for its clients and business partners.

News October 7, 2009 

More on cuts at CISTI

As a result of the NRC Strategic Review, NRC-CISTI will be transforming the delivery models of the Information Intelligence Services and National Science Library Programs.

News March 4, 2009 

Farewell from the Council of Federal Libraries Planning & Priorities Committee

For 30 years, CFL has been successful in achieving two goals. It provided a way for the National Library to fulfill its legislative mandate to coordinate federal libraries while simultaneously providing a focus for libraries within the federal government to address and solve problems collaboratively.

News October 29, 2007 

New Developments with the Science Library Network at Health Canada

Many of you may not be aware of some positive new developments with the Science Library Network (SLN) at Health Canada. This past year, the library network was under review …

News April 27, 2007