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News tagged: Information management

New edition of Electronic records as documentary evidence (CGSB CAN/CGSB-72.34-2024) published

CGSB-72.34-2024 is Canada’s national standard for managing electronic records within recordkeeping/IT systems to ensure their future admissibility in legal proceedings as documentary evidence.

News July 17, 2024 

Highlights from the Report of the Public Inquiry into the 2022 Public Order Emergency

Highlights from the Report of the Public Inquiry into the 2022 Public Order Emergency of interest to the Canadian library and information management community

News February 19, 2023 

Exploration of the Impact of Canada’s Information Management Regime on First Nations Data Sovereignty

The discussion paper from the First Nations Information Governance Centre explores the conflicts between the current Canadian information management regime and First Nations data sovereignty and offers suggestions for further exploration that may offer short‑term and long‑term improvements of the system.

News August 30, 2022 

Government of British Columbia Legislates “Duty to Document”

British Columbia will become the first Canadian province to legislate a duty to document, Finance Minister Michael de Jong announced today.

News March 8, 2017 

BC Government to Proactively Release Travel Expenses, Status of FOI Requests

The Government of British Columbia announced yesterday that it would start proactively releasing several categories of records regularly requested through Freedom of Information (FOI) requests.

News May 10, 2016 

Access and privacy regulators call on governments to respect rights in information sharing initiatives

Canada’s Information and Privacy Commissioners and Ombudspersons have called on all levels of government to protect and promote privacy and access to information rights when embarking on information sharing initiatives aimed at improving government services.

News January 25, 2016 

Information Commissioners call on governments to create a duty to document

Canada’s Information Commissioners have called on their respective governments to create a legislated duty requiring public entities to document matters related to their deliberations, actions and decisions.

News January 25, 2016 

New Report on Information Management in the Government of Canada

This exploratory study looks at the literature and experiential (qualitative) evidence from IM professionals in order to paint a picture of information management principles and practice in the Canadian federal government.

News April 29, 2013 

The Unfulfilled Promise of Information Management in the Government of Canada

At the 2011 Canadian Political Science Association conference David Brown presented an excellent paper: “The Unfulfilled Promise of Information Management in the Government of Canada.”

News March 13, 2012