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Blog posts tagged: Research

Focus On: Madelaine Hare and Graduate Mentorship in Higher Education

“Mentorship in higher education is a topic that I feel merits deep consideration and further study; effective mentorship is a determining factor in many students’ academic and professional success. I hope to encourage discourse on how we can support graduate students in their skill development and facilitate their success in academia and in the labour market.”

Blog November 14, 2022 

Reflections on Serving on the 2018-19 LAC Youth Advisory Council

Erica Vanden Bosch on her experience as a member of the 2018-2019 Library and Archives Canada (LAC) Youth Advisory Council.

Blog July 12, 2019 

Focus On: Lynne Bowker and Machine Translation Literacy

“All of these elements, such as thinking about whether, when, why, and how to use machine translation, are part of what I term “machine translation literacy”. It basically comes down to being an informed and critical user of this technology, rather than being someone who just pastes and clicks. The ultimate goal of this project is to propose a program for teaching machine translation literacy as part of a broader digital literacy framework.”

Blog July 8, 2019 

Highlights from Budget 2019

Highlights of interest to the Canadian library and information management community

Blog March 19, 2019 

Focus On: LGBTQ+ Children’s Picture Books

“Diversity in children’s picture books is important for two reasons: it exposes us to different worldviews, which fosters empathy, and reflects our own world back at us, which validates our lived experiences.”

Blog March 14, 2019 

Focus On: Casarina Hocevar

Master of Museum Studies (MMSt) Student, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto

Blog October 22, 2017 

Focus On: Sarah Edgar

MLIS Student, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

Blog September 19, 2017 

Focus On: Céline Gareau-Brennan

MBA/MLIS Candidate, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta / Shout for Libraries Director of Reporting / Net Impact Chapter Leader

Blog March 6, 2017 

Focus On: Zoe Dickinson

2016 MLIS Graduate, School Information Management, Dalhousie University

Blog May 23, 2016 

Focus On: Nicole Dalmer

PhD Candidate, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

Blog February 5, 2016