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News tagged: uToronto iSchool

Call for Projects: GLAM Incubator 2024-2025

The purpose of the GLAM Incubator is to connect GLAM organizations (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums) with expertise and resources from the University of Toronto and industry partners.

News July 5, 2024 

New Issue of The iJournal Published

The iJournal is an open-access academic journal run by graduate students at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information.

News April 26, 2024 

New Issue of The iJournal Published

The iJournal is an open-access academic journal run by graduate students at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information. 

News December 20, 2023 

Alma Matters: New Issues of iSchool Newsletters

New issues of Informed (uToronto iSchool) and Insights (UBC School of Information)

News July 25, 2021 

iSchool Student Associations Respond to Changes to Inforum

Statements from the Master of Information Student Council (MISC) and the Doctoral Student Association (DSA)

News March 4, 2018 

uToronto iSchool Proposes Changes to Inforum; Replace On-Site Collection with Additional Study Spaces

To create 30 new study places, the proposal calls for the Inforum’s onsite collection to be moved from its current location to other libraries in the University of Toronto Library system.

News February 20, 2018 

uToronto iSchool Launches Executive Master of Information in Information Systems & Design

A first in Canada, the inaugural class in September 2016 of corporate and business professionals will enhance their abilities to strategically use data to help their organizations become more successful.

News April 29, 2016 

Job Shadowing at the uToronto iSchool: Call for Hosts

The Alumni Association at the iSchool (Faculty of Information), University of Toronto is seeking hosts to participate in this year’s Job Shadowing Program.

News January 18, 2016 

uToronto iSchool Introduces New Co-op Program

Starting this month, first year Master of Information (MI) students will have access to co-op job postings as part of the iSchool’s experiential learning process.

News January 6, 2016 

Invitation to University of Toronto iSchool’s 10th Annual Employer Showcase

The University of Toronto iSchool’s 10th Annual Employer Showcase will be held on Friday, January 15th, 2016

News November 23, 2015