Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) 2017
May 23, 2017 09:00 - May 25, 2017 13:30
Theme: Engage | Expand | Explore
The Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) is Canada’s only conference devoted to issues of teaching and learning in library and information settings. WILU attendees work in various library and information-service settings; we host attendees from across Canada and beyond our borders.
The theme of the WILU 2017 conference is Engage | Expand | Explore. The program committee welcomes proposals relating to any of the following.
How do we engage with and beyond our communities? How do we engage with each other and with our teaching work? This may include topics such as partnerships and collaborations, peer learning, active learning, assessment, advisory groups, workload issues, and reflective practice.
How do we support learners in asking big questions that lead to deeper learning? How do we broaden and diversify our programs and our approaches to teaching? This may include topics such as sustainability, critical librarianship and pedagogy, inquiry-based learning, and professional development.
How do we get out of our comfort zones and reach beyond conventional practices? How do we take risks, experiment, and learn from our histories? This may include topics such as new tools, teaching in new or unique areas, and historical and theoretical issues relating to library instruction and information literacy.
Questions are welcome! Please contact the program committee (chair: Sarah Polkinghorne) at
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