Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) 2019
May 22, 2019 09:30 - May 24, 2019 13:00
Theme: Engaging Place and Practice
The Workshop for Instruction in Library Use is an annual Canadian conference where delegates meet to discuss timely topics on information literacy.
The workshop exists independently from library organizations in order to facilitate grass roots participation at the lowest possible cost, and registration fees are set as low as possible. Outside speakers are kept to a minimum, and input is sought from librarians, faculty members, and students for whom library instruction is designed. The workshop emphasizes experience and learning, and has evolved to blend practice with meaningful theory and research. As the information landscape evolves, WILU continues to redefine itself as Canada’s premier information literacy conference.
WILU 2019
The places and spaces we inhabit – physical, cultural, social, or professional – give shape to the practice of librarianship. Recent developments in library instruction emphasize the importance of culture, history, and place, leading to an explicit focus on the need for cognitively just and context-sensitive pedagogy.
As an historic meeting place for thousands of years, at the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, Winnipeg is an appropriate location to engage with place and practice.
At WILU 2019 we hope to provide the opportunity for librarians to come together to collaboratively develop, discuss, and evaluate library instruction in this unique context. We aim to create space to critically examine pedagogy and practice, and the influences of location, identity, culture, politics, and social memory, in a move towards a more reflective and transformative profession.