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Man­i­toba School Library Asso­ci­a­tion (MSLA) SAGE Conference


October 20, 2017 08:45 - 15:00





Theme: Truth in Our Stories: Seeking a Path to Reconciliation

What is the truth about the history of Indige­nous peo­ple in Canada? What does rec­on­cil­i­a­tion mean to you?  What can you do to redress the legacy of res­i­den­tial schools and the wrongs that have been com­mit­ted against Canada’s first peo­ples?  These are just three of the many ques­tions the Truth and Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion Com­mis­sion of Canada chal­lenges all Cana­di­ans to learn more about, con­tem­plate and act upon in their final TRC report, Hon­our­ing the Truth, Rec­on­cil­ing for the Future (2015).

As educators, we all have a tremendous role to play in the reshaping of the Indigenous narrative in this country.  What we say and do in our schools on a daily basis has an incred­i­ble impact on how our Indige­nous stu­dents feel about them­selves and how oth­ers per­ceive them. Regard­less of whether you teach or work in a gen­eral class­room or library, you are a spe­cial­ist, an infor­ma­tion spe­cial­ist, a tech­nol­ogy coor­di­na­tor or a school admin­is­tra­tor, the Man­i­toba School Library Asso­ci­a­tion invites you to learn more about our first peo­ples — their his­tory, cul­ture, lan­guage, spir­i­tu­al­ity and the legacy effects of res­i­den­tial schools in Canada — at the MSLA’s annual SAGE con­fer­ence on Fri­day, Octo­ber 20, 2017 at Fort Rich­mond Collegiate.

The MSLA’s SAGE plan­ning com­mit­tee has brought together an all Indige­nous list of pre­sen­ters who will tell their sto­ries through text, speech, music, art, sto­ry­telling, dance and film.  Keynote speaker is author, Melanie Flo­rence, win­ner of the 2016 TD Children’s Lit­er­a­ture Award for her book, Miss­ing Nimama, a pic­ture book that speaks to the tragedy of miss­ing and mur­dered Indige­nous women.  Melanie is also the author of sev­eral books for mid­dle school stu­dents with Indige­nous themes includ­ing He Who Dreams and one non-fiction book, Right­ing Canada’s Wrongs: Res­i­den­tial Schools.