Call for Proposals: APLA 2025
January 19, 2025
Proposal Deadline: Monday, February 10, 2025
The APLA 2025 Conference Team invites proposals for consideration for presentation at the 2025 In-person Annual Conference from June 10-13, 2025.
Our theme is: Breaking Barriers/Brison les Barrières.
Libraries have always been at the forefront of democratizing knowledge, fostering inclusion, and supporting their communities in overcoming obstacles. With our theme, Breaking Barriers, we aim to explore how libraries are challenging traditional boundaries, embracing innovation, and empowering individuals and communities. The APLA 2025 Conference seeks to address the challenges and opportunities in breaking down barriers, whether they are cultural, economic, digital, or educational.
Presenters are responsible for their own registration, lodging, and travel.
We want perspectives from students, public libraries, academic libraries, school libraries, health libraries, special libraries, archives, non-profit organizations, student support departments/organizations, community groups and more!
We are seeking presentations in the following format categories:
- Pre-Conference Workshop (time to be determined)
- Hour Presentations (45 mins with additional 15 mins for questions)
- Half-hour Presentation (20 mins with additional 10 mins for questions)
- Interactive panel discussions (60 minutes)
- Micro Talks (5-10 minutes)
Proposals that do not fit the above timeframe and structure will be considered by the team but selection is dependent on schedule, logistics and other proposals. We also encourage you to join Micro Talks or give presentations to discuss previous or on-going research or barriers you have broken.
Submit your proposals, via PheedLoop (APLA Conference 2025) by Monday, February 10th, 2025.
Include the following information:
- Title
- Type: Pre-Conference Workshop, Hour Presentation, Half-hour Presentation; Panel, Micro Talk
- Name, title, institution of presenter(s)
- Two-sentence bio of the presenter(s)
- Abstract (250 words or less)
- Language of presentation
- Suggested track (eg. Public library, Cataloguing, School library, etc.)
- Contact information including email, address, and phone number.
Presenters will be notified by Monday, February 24, 2025, via email, if they are selected to present at the conference.
We request that presenters make their presentations available on the conference website.
Questions? Email conference@apla.ca for more information.
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