CFLA Releases 2023-2027 Strategic Plan
February 16, 2024
The Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) this week released its 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, building on the the priorities and goals in the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan.
CFLA-FCAB Strategic Plan 2023-2027
CFLA is the United Voice of Canada’s Libraries
CFLA-FCAB influences public policy, advances library excellence, and raises the visibility of libraries in Canada to advance our national intellectual, social, economic, and cultural success.
CFLA and Sustainable Development
In addition to championing Canadian libraries, CFLA-FCAB aligns with the priorities of the international library community and several of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Canadian libraries are powerful agents of sustainable development through their efforts in literacy building, equitable access to learning opportunities, civic engagement, social justice, employment, settlement, the creation of social infrastructure and community development.
CFLA-FCAB supports the achievement of this work in several ways:
- Amplifying the voices of libraries through national-level advocacy efforts
- Increasing funding opportunities for libraries to support community capacity building
- Providing opportunities for member associations to share and collaborate on regional efforts
- Communicating and championing national standards of policy and practice affecting libraries
- Benchmarking library sector outcomes related to several SDGs
Goal 1: Amplify the Voice of Canadian Libraries
Amplify the voices of CFLA-FCAB’s member associations and strengthen the advocacy capacity and impact of the federation.
- Develop an advocacy plan for the federation
- Seek opportunities for collaboration with other national associations, especially in the area of advocacy
Identifying the niche role of CFLA-FCAB which will provide opportunities for collaboration with relevant national level associations whilst adding unique value to the library community
- Develop benchmarking on the impact of Canadian libraries as it relates to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
- Seek partnership opportunities with external agencies to further CFLA-FCAB’s goals
Provide a platform for clear and consistent messaging from subject experts on issues that matter to our members
- Increase engagement with specialised associations to tap into their expertise.
- Identify opportunities to build understanding and respectful discussion on divisive issues
Identify and address gaps in national library policy, guidelines and standards.
Goal 2: Represent Canadian Libraries in the National Policy Agenda
Increase engagement and relationship building with federal government representatives to influence policy decisions impacting the library and information sector.
- Advocate for federal funding for libraries
- Identify federal funding opportunities available at the regional/sectoral level and communicate these opportunities to member associations
Build on relationships with IFLA and other international agencies.
- Outreach to National Associations outside Canada to identify international collaboration and knowledge exchange opportunities
- Active engagement with the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) through supporting member participation in working groups and committees
- Cultivate CFLA-FCAB’s presence at IFLA events, specifically the annual World Library and Information Congress
Goal 3: Grow CFLA as a Sustainable Organization
Continue to strengthen governance of the Federation.
- Review and refresh the Federation’s governance structure and policy framework.
- Identify opportunities for developing board members, succession and continuity planning for the Board, and the preservation of institutional knowledge.
- Develop strategies to engage non-board members when creating or renewing projects, committees, taskforces or events
- Review committee appointment process to expand opportunities for inclusion.
Diversify and expand stable revenue sources for the Federation.
Enhance member engagement
- Develop a robust communication strategy for members
- Re-launch the National Forum and an opportunity for member engagement and the exchange of knowledge throughout the sector.
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