CFLA Copyright Committee Update (February 2022)
March 7, 2022
At the February meeting, the CFLA Copyright Committee discussed the following activities:
- Planned for submissions for ABC Copyright Conference
- Discussed upcoming term extension in Canada and how to publicize impact on public domain
- Received updates on crown copyright meetings with government and advocacy plans in progress
- Paper on Controlled Digital Lending of Library Books in Canada has been published as pre-print on SSRN, promotion including presentations is in process. Next step is drafting position statement on CDL.
- AI group will be sharing a draft statement on authorship with copyright committee soon. Statements on Technological Protection Measures and Text and Data Mining coming next.
- Accessibility group is working on draft guidance for libraries on what is a reasonable search for commercial availability related to the Marrakesh Treaty implementation
This message about current activities is the outcome of discussions at our committee in February 2021 about raising awareness of CFLA copyright activities. You are welcome to share it further.
On behalf of the CFLA Copyright Committee
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