Call for Submissions — Pathfinder: A Canadian Journal for Library Science Students and Early Career Professionals
April 21, 2023
Pathfinder: A Canadian Journal for Library Science Students and Early Career Professionals is seeking original scholarship in the fields of library science, information studies, and archives from current Canadian LIS or archival students, library tech students, and early career professionals (individuals that graduated from library and information studies programs within the last 3 years).
We are accepting submissions until Friday, April 28, 2023.
Manuscripts of interest include:
- Original research
- Other scholarly papers (e.g. critical scholarship, position papers, case studies)
- Literature reviews
- Book reviews
- Research posters
- Teaching resources
- Reflections
More information about our section policies and submission requirements can be found on our website.
We have a great team of editors and peer reviewers — all of whom are also students and early career professionals — who are looking forward to working with you! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at pfjeditor@gmail.com.
Warm regards,
Arianna Alcaraz
Editor-in-Chief, Pathfinder Journal
Pathfinder is a student-led, open access journal dedicated to promoting the scholarly work of students and early career information professionals from across Canada. Based at the University of Alberta, issues are published once a year and are peer-reviewed.
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