CFP: Lightning Talks for @Risk North 3
September 25, 2024
The Organizing Committee of @Risk North 3: Safeguarding the Canadian Digital Record invites proposals for Lightning Talks to be given during the Project Showcases session, Thursday, November 21st, from 3:00-4:00 p.m.
We are looking for brief talks of three to five minutes focusing on current projects, innovative approaches, and lessons learned in the Canadian digital preservation context. Presenters will participate in a group Q&A at the conclusion of the session.
We welcome proposals from all registered @Risk North 3 participants, regardless of home institution or academic/government/industry status.
To submit a proposal, please send an email briefly outlining your presentation to elizabeth.kalbfleisch@carl-abr
c.ca by Tuesday, October 15th. Accepted proposals will be notified no later than Tuesday, October 29th. We invite you to register for @Risk North 3 as soon as possible as places are limited.
For more information, and to view the evolving program.
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