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WILU 2017

Call for Proposals: Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) 2017, Edmonton

September 16, 2016

The Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) is Canada’s only conference devoted to issues of teaching and learning in library and information settings. WILU attendees work in various library and information-service settings; we host attendees from across Canada and beyond our borders. The WILU Program Committee invites proposals for the 46th WILU, May 23 – May 25 2017, hosted at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta.

The theme of the WILU 2017 conference is Engage | Expand | Explore.

The program committee welcomes proposals relating to any of the following.

How do we engage with and beyond our communities? How do we engage with each other and with our teaching work? This may include topics such as partnerships and collaborations, peer learning, active learning, assessment, advisory groups, workload issues, and reflective practice.

How do we support learners in asking big questions that lead to deeper learning? How do we broaden and diversify our programs and our approaches to teaching? This may include topics such as sustainability, critical librarianship and pedagogy, inquiry-based learning, and professional development.

How do we get out of our comfort zones and reach beyond conventional practices? How do we take risks, experiment, and learn from our histories? This may include topics such as new tools, teaching in new or unique areas, and historical and theoretical issues relating to library instruction and information literacy.

Types of Sessions

45-minute sessions reporting on research, practice, or both; include a 35-minute presentation and a 10-minute question/discussion period. Presentations describe a program, practice, or key issue related to teaching and learning in a library or information setting.

Lightning talks
7-minute presentations of small-but-mighty ideas. Lightning talks share excellent practices, projects in development, or new concepts.

Visually engaging presentations of well-developed concepts or projects. Posters will be displayed during a dedicated session for presenters to discuss their posters with attendees. Required dimensions for posters will be provided upon acceptance.

2.5-hour participatory sessions on an aspect of the theory, practice and/or social/political dynamics of teaching and learning in libraries and information settings.

How to submit your proposal

Describe your session in a proposal of the following length:

  • Presentations: 400-500 words.
  • Lightning talks and Posters: 250-500 words.
  • Workshops: 750-1000 words; please address participatory aspects and learning outcomes.

Please also prepare:

  • a short abstract, maximum 50 words, to be used in the program should your proposal be accepted, and
  • three (3) key terms to describe your proposed session.

Submit your proposal here by Friday, November 4, 2016.

What will happen to your proposal

Presentations, posters, and lightning talks will be reviewed in a double-blind process. WILU reviewers are people from across Canada who are involved with library instruction and information literacy efforts. Workshops will be reviewed by the program committee.

Your proposal will be assessed on the following:

  • Originality (What is it about your proposal that makes a new contribution?)
  • Clarity and Rigour (Is your proposal clearly readable and coherent?)
  • Timeliness (What is it about your proposal that is significant now?)
  • Implications for Practice (What will people be able to put into action as a result of attending your session?)

You will hear from us about the status of your proposal on Friday, December 9, 2016. If your proposal is accepted, we will ask you to confirm that you will present at the conference. You will be responsible for your own costs for registration, travel, and accommodations.

Questions are welcome! Please contact the program committee (chair: Sarah Polkinghorne) at

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