Invitation to the Chemistry Librarians’ Workshop 2019
February 28, 2019
A heads up that this year’s Chemistry Librarians’ Workshop is scheduled for Tuesday May 28, 2019 at Carleton University in Ottawa.
The workshop’s theme this year is Pedagogy in Chemistry: how do we, as librarians, teach information literacy, use of chemistry resources, deal with open access/data and all that other neat stuff!
Tentative schedule has the workshop running from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm with a working lunch. We tentatively already have 3 interesting speakers, vendor update, Q&A with a professor and have room for short presentations from you as an attendee on what pedagogical innovations you’ve tried at your university.
This one day event includes a free working lunch and has no cost to participants. The True North Science Boot Camp begins the following day at the University of Ottawa so you can combine the two events. Great news! The residence reservation window for the Boot Camp covers the date of our event as well so you can add an extra night or two at the front.
This event is not a take away from the work of SLA, ACS, ACRL, and other societies, but is an opportunity for 20-30 chemistry and science librarians and staff from Ontario, Quebec, Western New York and further distances to come together, share ideas, make a 15 minute presentation, and deliberate on each other’s experiences.This is an excellent opportunity as a new librarian to share, present and learn from colleagues!
Please forward this invitation to colleagues at your institution and abroad.
More details will be posted as they become available.
Email Ian directly if you wish to present or wish to register.
Thanks to our gracious Carleton coordinator, Janet Hempstead.
Hope to see you there!
Ian & Patricia
Science Librarian
Brock University
Chemistry Librarian
University of Toronto
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