Gender Diversity Training in Canadian University Libraries – Invitation to Participate in a Survey
April 30, 2024
You are invited to participate in a study investigating whether workers in Canadian university libraries are receiving gender diversity training. Librarians, archivists, technicians, and all other library workers currently employed by a Canadian university library are invited to take part, regardless of job title, and whether or not they have received such training.
Library literature frequently recommends gender diversity training as a way to improve services to and experiences of trans and gender non-conforming patrons and staff. However, little is known about whether Canadian academic library workers are actually receiving such training, how they are experiencing the training, and whether those who have not received training would like to do so. The results of this research will contribute to ongoing discussions of the role of the library in supporting trans and gender non-conforming patrons and staff.
Our anonymous, online survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete and is available in English and French. To learn more or participate in the survey please go to: https://rb.gy/94489j
Please help us spread the word and forward widely to any potential participants in your networks – we hope to reach all Canadian university library workers, not just librarians.
This study has been approved by the Institutional Human Research Ethics Committee of Concordia University, Montreal [Certificate number 30019892].
Do not hesitate to contact the Principal Investigator (Susie.Breier@concordia.ca) if you have any questions about this posting.
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