Invitation: Survey on MLIS Competencies
March 8, 2016
As part of the course requirements for INFO 5520 (Research Methods) at Dalhousie University, we are conducting a study on the competencies needed to succeed in the library and information studies field. We invite current students, alumni, and those who hire graduates of the Dalhousie MLIS program to participate in our survey.
You can find the survey at:
It will take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete, and all responses will remain anonymous.
The results of this study will be used to create a report which will inform the School of Information Management’s curriculum committee.
Please complete the survey by March 13th, 2016.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact Katherine
Felix at katherine.felix@dal.ca, or Dr. Mike Smit at mike.smit@dal.ca.
We appreciate your time and help!
Thank you,
Alice Albarda
Katherine Felix
Katie Gallant
Keri McCaffrey
Benjamin Thomas
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