Recent Library of Parliament Research Publications (July 2018)
July 20, 2018
The Library of Parliament has recently released a number of research publications on topics of interest to the library and information management community.
Background Papers
Library of Parliament Background Papers provide in-depth studies of policy issues. They feature historical background, current information and references, and many anticipate the emergence of the issues they examine.
Cybersecurity: Technical and Policy Challenges
Background Paper No. 2018-05-E
February 16, 2018
Starting with a quick overview of some of the types of cyberthreats confronting Canada and its allies, this paper examines how Canada defines cybersecurity and considers the many human, technical, economic and political factors that make achieving cybersecurity so difficult. Finally, it touches on some of the international initiatives that have been undertaken to enhance cybersecurity.
Hate Speech and Freedom of Expression: Legal Boundaries in Canada
Background Paper No. 2018‑25‑E
June 29, 2018
This paper explores the different types of restrictions that have been used in Canada to address the promotion of hatred and other related and potentially harmful forms of expression, such as the glorification of terrorism or the display of an intent to discriminate. It includes information on other ways in which crimes motivated by hatred are addressed in the criminal sentencing process and are tracked by law enforcement agencies. It also reviews some aspects of the debate surrounding ways to address hate propaganda.
Hill Notes
The HillNotes blog provides research analysis and a collection of authoritative documents, on current events of significant interest to Parliament and emerging issues that will be significant to Parliament in the future.
Federal Legislation affecting People with Disabilities: Where We Are Today
June 21, 2018
Understanding Artificial Intelligence – Canadian Perspectives
June 20, 2018
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