Are you a mid-career professional? Please participate in this survey
October 1, 2017
Do you consider yourself to be a mid-career library professional?
Would you be willing to give some of your time to complete a survey questionnaire for a research project investigating the continuing professional development (CPD) needs of mid-career library professionals? Please read the following information carefully before deciding to participate.
The survey asks you about your current and past CPD activities, what sort of CPD you hope to pursue in the next two years, and your preferred methods for receiving CPD.
The results of the research will inform a mapping of skills and knowledge for those at different stages of their professional career, focusing particularly on mid-career professionals and forming the basis of a framework for LIS educators, employers and mid-career professionals to support ongoing career development.
Victoria University of Wellington requires, and has granted, approval from the School of Information Management’s Human Ethics Committee for this research.
This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You can withdraw from the project by closing the survey and your results will not be recorded. Your completion of the survey is taken as giving your informed consent to participate.
Your response is anonymous and you will not be identified personally in any written report produced as a result of this research including possible publication in academic conferences and journals. A copy of the final report can be requested by entering your email address at the end of the survey. It cannot be linked to the answers you have given in the survey.
All data collected from participants will be destroyed 2 years after the completion of the project.
If you have any questions or would like to receive further information about the project, please contact any of the following.
Philip Calvert
Telephone +64 4 4636629
Jennifer Campbell-Meier
Telephone +64 4 4635349
Brenda Chawner
Telephone +64 4 4635780
Anne Goulding
Telephone +64 4 4635887
ChernLi Liew
Telephone +64 4 4635213
If you are willing to participate in the survey, please click on this link:
And thank you in advance for your participation in this project.
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