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Survey: Perceptions of Librarians on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Assistants

Survey: Perceptions of Librarians on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Assistants

July 23, 2019

Please consider participating in a survey on the awareness and attitudes of librarians regarding artificial intelligence (AI). The purpose of the following is to understand the relationship between librarians in Canada and the United States of America and their understanding of AI in the workplace. By participating in this study, you are helping the library profession navigate the current awareness of AI and its potential to impact our work.

This survey will run until September 6th, 2019, and should take 10 minutes or less to complete. All survey information is anonymous. Potentially identifying information will be removed from any quotations used. Results of this survey will be shared in aggregate through conference presentations and publications in the field.

If you have questions about the survey, please contact the principal investigator Amanda Wheatley ( or 514-398-3921).

If you have any ethical concerns or complaints about your participation in this study, and want to speak with someone not on the research team, please contact the McGill Ethics Manager at 514-398-6831 or

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. Click below to choose whether to participate or not.  If you choose to participate, you can refuse to answer any question or end your participation at any time prior to submission. Please save or print a copy of this document to keep for your own reference.

Title: Perceptions of Librarians on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Assistants
Ethics board file number: 452-0419


Amanda Wheatley
Liaison Librarian for Management, Business & Entrepreneurship
McGill University, Humanities and Social Sciences Library

Sandy Hervieux
Liaison Librarian for Political Science, Religious Studies, and Philosophy
McGill University, Humanities and Social Sciences Library

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