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Dr. Sandra Toze Appointed as Interim Director, School of Information Management

May 26, 2015

Formal announcement from Peggy Cunningham, Dean of the Faculty of Management:

I am pleased to announce the appointment, subject to the approval of the Board of Governors and based on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee for this search, of Dr. Sandra Toze to the position of Interim Director of the School of Information Management for the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016.  Sandra brings 14 years of experience as an Information Management professional in the Financial and Professional Services industries as well as an academic background in Information Management, Library Science and Political Science. The multidisciplinary perspective afforded by such experience is a major asset to our Faculty.

Sandra has a strong teaching record and a growing research and grant portfolio. She knows the School of Information Management and its students well, having been a faculty member for the last 12 years teaching in all of the programs the School supports (the Bachelor of Management, Master of Information Management and Master of Library and Information Studies).

With her passion for collaboration and knowledge-based work, I am confident that she will build on the strong foundation established by Louise Spiteri and all of the School’s faculty and staff. In addition to focusing on the Faculty’s mission of values-led management, Sandra has a articulated the areas she and the SIM will focus on over the year: development of an aggressive plan to recruit top students, building on the School’s research successes, reviewing and adapting curricula to ensure ongoing relevance, and seeking even more ways to collaborate with the other Schools in the Faculty of Management and the University.

Please join me on congratulating Sandra on this appointment and thank her for her willingness to serve in this important role.

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