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News tagged: Accessibility

NNELS is hiring!

The National Network for Equitable Library Service (NNELS) is staffing multiple positions to support a series of special projects funded by the Government of Canada’s Social Development Partnerships Program – Disability Component (SDPP-D).

News September 12, 2018 

CFLA Submission to 2019 Pre-Budget Consultations

Calls on federal government to invest in library infrastructure, accessible formats for Canadians with perceptual disabilities, Library Materials Service, and indigenous education in library services.

News September 9, 2018 

Recent Library of Parliament Research Publications (July 2018)

The Library of Parliament has released a number of research publications on topics of interest to the library and IM community, including: Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, and Federal Legislation affecting People with Disabilities

News July 20, 2018 

W3C Issues Updated Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 expands provisions for mobile, low vision, and cognitive and learning disabilities; international uptake in progress

News June 5, 2018 

Call for Concepts: 2018 Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) Mid-Sized Projects

The EAF mid-sized call for concepts provides contribution funding to organizations for projects that help improve and make Canadian facilities and venues more accessible for people with disabilities.

News April 1, 2018 

Call for Participation: Survey on Library Programmes and Services for People Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deafblind

The survey is being conducted to support work by the Section towards the development of Guidelines for Library Services to People Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deafblind.

News February 15, 2018 

New Funding for National Network for Equitable Library Service (NNELS) Announced

The BC Libraries Cooperative today announced the receipt of $1 million from the Government of Canada to expand the National Network for Equitable Library Service (NNELS).

News February 15, 2018 

W3C Releases Drafts of Cognitive Accessibility Roadmap and Gap Analysis and WCAG 2.1

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) released two draft documents last week.

News December 10, 2017 

Marrakesh Treaty to Come into Force on September 30, 2016

Canada today became the key 20th nation to accede to the Marrakesh Treaty, which will bring the Treaty into force in three month’s time on September 30, 2016.

News June 30, 2016 

CNIB Receives $2 Million to Support Production of Alternate Format Published Materials for People with Print Disabilities

Yesterday, the Government of Canada announced $2 million in funding for the CNIB to continue supporting its production of alternate format published materials for people with print disabilities.

News June 14, 2016