News tagged: School librarianship
CFLA Releases Position Statement on the Status of School Libraries in Canada

The Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) believes that every child in Canada deserves access to an excellent, professionally staffed, and fully-funded school library.
News May 9, 2024
La FCAB publie un énoncé de position sur la situation des bibliothèques scolaires au Canada

La Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (FCAB) croit que chaque enfant au Canada mérite d’avoir accès à une excellente bibliothèque scolaire, entièrement financée et dotée d’un personnel professionnel.
News May 9, 2024
Canadian School Libraries Releases Foundations for School Library Learning Commons in Canada

What support do schools need to successfully implement Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada?
News November 14, 2023
Déclaration de l’OLA au sujet de l’interdiction et des restrictions concernant des livres par les conseils scolaires

L’Association des bibliothèques de l’Ontario (OLA) est profondément préoccupée par le nombre croissant de tentatives de restriction de l’accès aux livres par certains conseils scolaires.
News November 14, 2023
Ontario Library Association (OLA) Releases Statement on School Boards Banning & Restricting Books

The Ontario Library Association (OLA) is deeply concerned by the growing number of attempts to restrict access to books by some school boards.
News November 14, 2023
CUPE Launches Phase 2 of the National Survey of Precarious Employment in the Library Sector

Library workers, this is your chance to be heard!
News November 2, 2017
CFLA Statement on Québec Bill 62

“la diversité et l’inclusion sont une valeur fondamentale des bibliothèques et un élément central de l’identité de notre pays”
News October 24, 2017
Update from Canadian Voices for School Libraries PLUS Canada Day Fundraising Challenge!

June update from the CVSL, including a challenge to help them raise $1000
News June 29, 2016
Introducing Canadian Voices for School Libraries (CVSL)

Introducing Canada’s new organization dedicated to fostering the growth of the school library learning commons and to developing a national network of school library practitioners and supporters.
News June 12, 2016
Do We Need a New National School Library Association?

Building on the discussion paper released in January and the discussion at Treasure Mountain Canada 4, a survey has been put together to get input from the broader community.
News April 5, 2016