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Call for Participation: Academic Librarians’ Workload Study

Call for Participation: Academic Librarians’ Workload Study

June 17, 2018

Dear Academic Librarian:

I am conducting a study of factors that contribute to workload issues for academic librarians: “Factors associated with academic Librarians’ perceptions of workload”. The study is being conducted as part of a course requirement for the University of Liverpool and has received ethical approval from Liverpool Online Research Ethics Committee.

In support of this, I invite you to participate in a survey about your perceptions of your work environment. I am interested in your participation whether or not you believe that your workload is an issue.

Participation in this study is entirely voluntary: you may choose to leave the survey at any time and request that your responses be deleted. Your participation is confidential – you are not asked to supply any information that could identify you personally, and your responses will not be shared.

Depending on the findings, the statistical summaries may be shared as a conference presentation or publication.

If you would like more information about this project, please contact me or my supervisor:

Link to the full survey

I greatly appreciate your time in participating in this research. I believe that it will yield some useful insights into workload issues.

Margaret Law

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