Camille Callison receives 2024 CRKN Ron MacDonald Outstanding Service Award
September 27, 2024
The Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) announced that Camille Callison, University Librarian of the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV), is the 2024 recipient of the Ron MacDonald Outstanding Service Award is Camille Callison
Camille Callison Awarded the 2024 Ron MacDonald Outstanding Service Award
September 27, 20204 — CRKN is pleased to announce that the 2024 recipient of the Ron MacDonald Outstanding Service Award is Camille Callison. Camille Callison (Tahltan) is the University Librarian of the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV). She has been a transformative force in the library and archives community, particularly in advancing the preservation and representation of Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) knowledges, languages, and cultures. Camille’s contributions to the Canadian library community will be celebrated at the Ron MacDonald Award Ceremony on Oct. 3, during CRKN’s Member Summit and AGM in Ottawa.
Camille began her career in libraries in 1993 as a Library Assistant at the Xwi7xwa Library under the mentorship of the Founding Librarian, Dr. Gene Joseph (Wet’suwet’en/Dakelh) who challenged her to enroll in graduate studies to prepare for the task of preserving, organizing, and providing access to Indigenous knowledge. Inspired by this challenge, in 2005, Camille completed a Masters in Library and Information Studies – First Nations Concentration at UBC.
“Camille has always been a very passionate defender and advocate of First Nations, and we are so very fortunate that she has committed to First Nations’ libraries, archives and museums,” Joseph said. “Camille is a cultural warrior. I am very proud to have recruited her into the profession of librarianship.”
In 2012 she became the first Indigenous Services Librarian and Liaison Librarian for Anthropology, Native Studies, and Social Work at the University of Manitoba, later becoming the Indigenous Strategies Librarian. In addition to her current role at UFV, Camille is pursuing a PhD in Anthropology at the University of Manitoba, focusing her research on the intersection between memory institutions and Indigenous knowledges, languages, and cultures. Camille chairs the National Indigenous Knowledge and Language Alliance (NIKLA-ANCLA) and co-leads the Respectful Terminologies Platform Project (RTPP) dedicated to ensuring the respectful and accurate representation of Indigenous peoples’ names, places, and cultural identifiers.
RTPP co-lead, Dr. Stacy Allison-Cassin, said, “I have personally witnessed Camille’s efforts to create a strong relationship between NIKLA and CRKN, going above and beyond to both challenge and support CRKN in efforts to better support Indigenous-related materials through personal investment in time, care, and attention to relationship building and sharing of her knowledge and passion.”
Her leadership and dedication to building bridges and collaboration is reflected in significant past contributions and currently as an elected member of CRKN Board of Directors, and the IFLA North America Regional Division and Indigenous Matters Section, and as President of Council of the Post Secondary Library Directors of BC.
“Volunteering is a way of being with Camille,” noted Leslie Weir, Librarian and Archivist of Canada at Library and Archives Canada. “She reflects the values of Ron MacDonald and the award in his honour by leading University of Fraser Valley Library while making meaningful, impactful contributions to her Nation, the Indigenous peoples of Canada, and the communities of libraries, archives, galleries and museums in efforts to make the world a better and more respectful place for all.”
Mary-Jo Romaniuk, University Librarian at University of Calgary agrees, remarking that “Camille’s volunteerism is characterized by the leadership qualities she demonstrates in all her endeavours. She is a teacher, always willing to share her world view and her knowledge.”
Camille said she is deeply honoured to be recognized by her peers.
“I wish to thank the Elders and Knowledge Keepers that went before me and whose shoulders I am honoured to stand on. I appreciate those who stood beside me in this work, and extend my sincere gratitude to my valued mentors, friends, and colleagues who nominated me.”
On behalf of the CRKN Executive Committee, which acts as the Nominating Committee for this award, and the Board of Directors, we congratulate Camille on her achievements and thank her for her service.
Award Ceremony
The award will be presented to Camille during CRKN’s Member Summit and AGM in Ottawa on Oct. 3, 2024, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. ET, at the Ottawa Marriott Hotel. All attendees are invited to join us at the reception to celebrate her work.About the Award
The Ron MacDonald Outstanding Service Award recognizes an individual from a CRKN member institution who has demonstrated vision, dedication, and outstanding service in building bridges and collaboration to advance knowledge infrastructure in Canada. This award was introduced by CRKN in September 2008 to honor the late Ron MacDonald, who was a member of CRKN’s Negotiations Resource Team from February 2000 to July 2007 and played a key role in establishing CRKN’s collaborative programs and services.
(Via Canadian Research Knowledge Network)
Previous recipients:
- 2023: Dana McFarland
- 2022: Larry Alford
- 2021: Jonathan Bengtson
- 2020: Tony Horava
- 2019: Christopher Callbeck
- 2018: Benoit Séguin
- 2017: Brian Owen
- 2016: Leslie Weir
- 2015: Michael Ridley
- 2014: Carole Moore
- 2013: Jocelyn Godolphin
- 2012: Ronald Bond
- 2011: Jean-Pierre Côté
- 2010: Jonathan Blay
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