Canada’s Premiers Announce 2018 Literacy Award Recipients
July 21, 2018
Earlier this week, the Council of the Federation—composed of Canada’s 13 provincial and territorial Premiers—announced the recipients of the 14th annual Council of the Federation Literacy Award, including several members of the Canadian librarianship community:
Red Deer Public Library Adult Literacy Program – Alberta
The Red Deer Public Library Adult Literacy Program has served English language and adult literacy learners in the community for over 30 years. The Program is currently providing learning opportunities to approximately 360 adult foundational learners through volunteer tutoring. With 215 tutors, it has the largest volunteer pool in the region. Because of the commitment of staff and volunteer tutors, adult learners are able to improve their reading and writing skills, become more confident, and ultimately improve their lives by continuing in further learning and/or gaining meaningful employment. The Program has demonstrated responsiveness to the needs of the community, including by adapting its programs to meet the learning needs of Syrian refugees and other newcomers. In addition to breaking down barriers to learning, the Program offers opportunities that facilitate newcomer participation in the larger community. By connecting learners to other service organizations and residents, the Program has demonstrated itself to be a community leader that promotes inclusivity in society for adult literacy learners in Red Deer.
Sara Grant – British Columbia
Sara Grant has championed literacy for over two decades as a children’s librarian, including 19 years as Youth Services Manager for Surrey Libraries. Committed to improving children’s literacy, Sara has helped establish innovative programs like Curiosity Corner, a hands-on station where families can develop their digital literacy skills and Daddy Storytime, a program that supports men to take a more active role in their children’s early literacy. Sara has formed partnerships and advocated for staff training to ensure Surrey’s diverse community needs are met and that families receive high-quality, public library services. Sara and her team continue to help children grow, develop and thrive by supporting creativity, encouraging discovery, celebrating the joy of reading and fostering community connectedness through the public library.
Judy Craig – Saskatchewan
Judy Craig is a Family Literacy Leader who has contributed to building and strengthening family literacy development in Saskatchewan. As a result of focused efforts over her 35-year career at the Regina Public Library, she has played a significant role in moving family and early literacy services forward. Judy has demonstrated dedication and passion in engaging families, educating them on the importance of establishing good family literacy habits and sharing information about available library resources to support family literacy. In addition to her work with children and families, she has spent time providing services to newcomers and adults in need of literacy development. As a lifelong learner, Judy has continued to grow professionally throughout her career attending many literacy development workshops.
Created in 2004, the Award celebrates adult learners who undertake literacy training, as well as the valuable contributions made by Canadians in the field of literacy, including family, Aboriginal, health, workplace, and community literacy. The Award is presented to learners, educators, volunteers, community organizations, and businesses in each province and territory.
“Literacy is a fundamental skill that helps unleash one’s potential and is crucial to the future prosperity of the Canadian economy. On behalf of my colleagues, Canada’s Premiers, we are pleased to congratulate the 2018 recipients of the Council of the Federation Literacy Award. Through tireless efforts and commitments to literacy, these individuals and organizations play an important role in strengthening our social fabric and our economy here in Canada.”
Brian Gallant
Premier of New Brunswick and Chair of the Council of the Federation
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