CUPE Launches Phase 2 of the National Survey of Precarious Employment in the Library Sector
November 2, 2017
Following the release last month of the results of National Survey of CUPE Library Workers’ Employment Precarity in stand-alone public libraries, CUPE had launched Phase 2 of the National Survey with a broader focus.
Library workers, this is your chance to be heard!
CUPE has launched Phase 2 of the National Survey of Precarious Employment in the Library Sector, and we are inviting library workers to participate in the online survey.
During Phase 1, we surveyed CUPE library workers who work in stand-alone public libraries, defined as a public library that is its own CUPE local, is not part of another local, and has its own collective agreement. We want to thank all those who participated in Phase 1.
In Phase 2, we are inviting library workers who work specifically in the following sectors to participate in the online survey:
- school or school board
- university
- municipality
- provincial library system
- public library
- or other (i.e. special library).
To participate, simply fill out this survey, online, at the following link:
Encourage CUPE library workers in your local to participate in the survey and share the online link. A printable flyer for your members is available here (PDF). The quality of the information we gather depends on the number of surveys that are completed.
The survey will expire at midnight on Thursday, November 30th, 2017.
CUPE’s 2014 membership survey revealed that permanent, part-time employment is highest among public library board workers, at 46 per cent. We also learned that 70 per cent of library clerks work part-time hours. The results prompted delegates to the 2015 CUPE National Convention to adopt a resolution to conduct a survey on precarious employment with CUPE library workers across the country.
Responses to the survey are anonymous and confidential.
Letter to Presidents of all CUPE locals with library workers
October 26, 2017
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
CUPE National Library Workers’ Survey on Precarious Employment
CUPE is embarking on phase 2 of the national survey of precarious employment (part-time, temporary, casual, and contract work) in the library sector. During phase 1, we surveyed CUPE library workers who work in stand-alone public libraries, defined as a public library that is its own CUPE local, is not part of another local, and has its own collective agreement.
In phase 2, we are inviting CUPE library workers who work in the following sectors to participate in the online survey:
- School or with a school board
- University
- Municipality
- Provincial library system
- Public library
- Other (i.e. special library)
Spread the Word!
Locals can engage library workers in the work of the union by promoting the survey. We ask that all locals choose a survey captain, ideally a library worker that is willing to take on the task of promoting the survey to all library workers in the local. A member of the survey team will be contacting you in the coming weeks to obtain your survey captain’s name and contact information. We will be providing all survey captains with a leaflet that provides information about the survey that can be distributed to all library workers.
Why are we conducting this survey?
One of the more interesting findings from CUPE’s 2014 membership survey is that permanent, part-time employment is highest among public library board workers, at 46 per cent. We also learned that 70 per cent of library clerks work part-time hours. The results prompted delegates to the 2015 CUPE National Convention to adopt a resolution which directs the union to conduct a survey on precarious employment with CUPE library workers across the country.
How can library workers participate in the online survey?
The survey is now online at the following link:
French: will the survey end?
The survey will expire at midnight on Thursday, November 30th, 2017.
Are members’ responses anonymous and confidential?
Yes, responses to questions will not be used to identify individual members. The data will be analyzed in aggregate (grouped) form. No raw data pertaining to a single individual is ever disclosed.
Who should I contact if I have questions or comments?
Email your questions or comments about the survey to or call 613-237-1590, extension 108.
In solidarity,
National PresidentCHARLES FLEURY
National Secretary-Treasurer
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