Call for Survey Participation: Education and Competencies for Library Technicians in Canada
October 21, 2021
If you are a manager, supervisor, or someone in a position to hire library technicians, please complete this survey. |
Attention Library Technicians!
You are being invited to participate in a research study to update the Canadian Federation of Library Association’s (CFLA-FCAB) Guidelines for the Education of Library Technicians. These Guidelines were last updated in 2011 and can be view here: https://cfla-fcab.ca/en/guidelines-and-position-papers/guidelines-for-the-education-of-library-technicians/
The goal of this project is to provide a substantial update to the Guidelines for the Education of Library Technicians. This will help to establish a national standard for the education of library technicians in Canada, and a framework for the development of skills, knowledge, and abilities of library technicians to provide job-ready, and highly skilled graduates. The updated Guidelines will be available on the CFLA-FCAB website once completed and approved by the CFLA-FCAB Board.
There are no known risks if you decide to participate in this research study. There are no costs to you for participating in the study. The online survey will take approximately 15-30 minutes to complete.
This voluntary survey is anonymous. Should the data be published or presented, no individual information will be disclosed. By completing and submitting the questionnaire, your free and informed consent is implied.
This project was reviewed on ethical grounds by the MacEwan University Research Ethics Board. Any questions regarding your rights as a participant may be addressed to the Research Ethics Officer at 780-497-4280 or REB@macewan.ca.
Link to survey: https://forms.gle/ziUTpNkDNjmCjasG9
If you have any questions about the study, please contact Norene Erickson, ericksonn7@macewan.ca
Thank you for your participation! Apologies for cross-posting.
Norene Erickson & Lisa Shamchuk
Norene Erickson, Associate Professor, ericksonn7@macewan.ca
Lisa Shamchuk, Assistant Professor, shamchukl@macewan.ca
Library and Information Technology Program
Department of Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources Management, and Management
MacEwan University
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