Survey of Visible Minority Librarians in Canada
January 22, 2021
The Visible Minority Librarians of Canada (ViMLoC) Network conducted the previous comprehensive survey on visible minority librarians in 2013. The Network would like to conduct this survey again to examine the changes in the library landscape regarding visible minority librarians in various librarian positions, including leadership.
This survey will help ViMLoC identify visible minority librarians’ needs and propose projects to empower them in their current positions or their future career development, such as mentorship programming, leadership training, and networking opportunities.
This project has been approved on ethical grounds by Wilfrid Laurier University, the University of Saskatchewan, and the University of British Columbia. A detailed Informed Consent Form is included at the start of the survey for your review.
It may take about 20 minutes to complete the questionnaire. We would appreciate it very much if you can fill it out by February 28, 2021.
Please share this survey to anyone in your network who might be eligible to respond.
All questions are optional; all responses will be kept confidential and anonymous.
If you have any questions about this survey, please feel free to contact Yanli Li at yli@wlu.ca or Maha Kumaran at maha.kumaran@usask.ca.
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