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Everything tagged: Advocacy

Federation of Ontario Public Libraries (FOPL) Urges Parties to Support Public Libraries

As the Ontario provincial election campaign enters its second half, the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries is urging all political parties and candidates to demonstrate and pledge their support for public libraries in communities across the province.

News February 18, 2025 

Libraries On the Hill

A new article in Partnership looks at the kinds of advocacy engaged in by three of Canada’s national library associations, as well as gaps in advocacy themes and practices.

News January 7, 2025 

Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) resolutions on public libraries and funding

Municipal leaders attending the UBCM 2024 Convention debated several resolutions on public libraries and their funding, endorsing two resolutions calling for sustainable funding of library services.

News September 21, 2024 

Ontario Library Association (OLA) Releases Anti-Racism Statement, Commitment Towards Inclusive Librarianship

The Ontario Library Association released a statement commiting itself to dismantling harmful practices within the Association and the library sector that perpetuate racism, white supremacy and colonial attitudes.

News August 21, 2024 

L’Ontario Library Association (OLA) publie une déclaration contre le racisme et un engagement envers la bibliothéconomie inclusive

L’OLA s’engage à démanteler les pratiques néfastes au sein de notre organisation et de notre secteur qui perpétuent le racisme, la suprématie blanche et les attitudes coloniales.

News August 21, 2024 

Promotional Materials Available for 2024 Canadian Library Month, Provincial Library Weeks

October is Canadian Library Month, an opportunity to raise awareness of the valuable role libraries play in Canadians’ lives. CLM also includes First Nations Public Library Week, Ontario Public Library Week, la Semaine des bibliothèques publiques du Québec, and Saskatchewan Library Week.

Blog August 18, 2024 

Saskatchewan Library Association (SLA) launches Advocacy Toolkit for Libraries

This toolkit is intended to reflect and be useful to all types of libraries in the province, and anyone is welcome to use, customize, or distribute these resources!

News July 3, 2024 

CFLA Releases Position Statement on the Status of School Libraries in Canada

The Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) believes that every child in Canada deserves access to an excellent, professionally staffed, and fully-funded school library.

News May 9, 2024 

La FCAB publie un énoncé de position sur la situation des bibliothèques scolaires au Canada

La Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (FCAB) croit que chaque enfant au Canada mérite d’avoir accès à une excellente bibliothèque scolaire, entièrement financée et dotée d’un personnel professionnel.

News May 9, 2024 

Library Association of Alberta Releases Statement in Response to Proposed “Parental Rights” Legislation

The Library Association of Alberta (LAA) released a statement opposing proposed legislation that would censor information resources, curriculum, or programs addressing sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity or LGBTQIA2+ existences and experiences.

News February 23, 2024