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News tagged: Canadian Federation of Library Associations

FCAB publie une déclaration sur la liberté intellectuelle concernant l’étiquetage

La Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (FCAB) a publié cette semaine une déclaration approuvant la déclaration de 2015 de l’American Library Association (ALA) Systèmes d’étiquetage : une interprétation de la Déclaration des droits des bibliothèques.

News May 9, 2024 

Survey: Climate Action and Canadian Libraries

The Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ (CFLA) Climate Action Committee is surveying the library community to better understand how CFLA can support climate action work in Canadian libraries.

News May 6, 2024 

Sondage : Action pour le climat et bibliothèques canadiennes

Le Comité d’action pour le climat de la Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (FCAB-CFLA) mène un sondage auprès de la communauté des bibliothèques pour mieux comprendre comment la FCAB-CFLA peut appuyer les travaux en matière de lutte contre les changements climatiques dans les bibliothèques canadiennes.

News May 6, 2024 

CFLA Copyright Committee Update (April 2024)

An update on the current activities of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) Copyright Committee

News April 23, 2024 

CFLA Copyright Committee Update (March 2024)

An update on the current activities of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) Copyright Committee

News March 27, 2024 

CFLA Releases 2023-2027 Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan outlines three goals: (1) Amplify the Voice of Canadian Libraries, (2) Represent Canadian Libraries in the National Policy Agenda; and (3) Grow CFLA as a Sustainable Organization.

News February 16, 2024 

CFLA Copyright Committee Update (January 2024)

An update on the current activities of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) Copyright Committee

News February 12, 2024 

James L. Turk Receives the CFLA Intellectual Freedom Award

Congratulations to Dr. James L. Turk on Receiving the Inaugural CFLA Intellectual Freedom Award!

News January 25, 2024 

Centre for Free Expression and CFLA Announce Partnership in Library Challenges Database

The Centre for Free Expression at Toronto Metropolitan University and the Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) today announced the results of their 2023 partnership agreement to manage a single portal and database for libraries to report and access information on intellectual freedom challenges libraries face to items in their collection, and to displays, programs, room usage, and computer access.

News January 22, 2024 

Innisfil ideaLAB & Library Receives the W. Kaye Lamb Award for Service to Seniors

Ex Libris Association’s (ELA) W. Kaye Lamb Award Committee was unanimous in selecting Innisfil ideaLAB & Library for their outstanding work for Kits and Community: Activity Kits for Older Adults.

News January 22, 2024