News tagged: COVID-19
New Issue of IFLA Journal Available

Special Issue: Libraries and COVID-19: Opportunities for innovation
News March 25, 2022
Invitation to Participate in Research: The Experiences of Academic Librarians on Temporary Contracts Before and During COVID-19

The purpose of the research is to investigate the demographics and career paths of those academic librarians engaged in contract work in Canada and their experiences in these positions regarding training, socialization, and supervision/mentorship.
News September 8, 2021
Privacy and COVID-19 Vaccine Passports
“Vaccine passports must be developed and implemented in compliance with applicable privacy laws. They should also incorporate privacy best practices in order to achieve the highest level of privacy protection commensurate with the sensitivity of the personal health information that will be collected, used or disclosed.”
News May 19, 2021
Recent Library of Parliament Research Publications (May 2021)

The Library of Parliament has released a number of research publications on topics of interest to the library and IM community, including: Broadband, Census, COVID-19, Early Childhood Education, Homelessness, Indigenous Peoples, Information Literacy, Privacy
News May 17, 2021
Kimberley Foundation Announces Recipients of the Pandemic Flash Fund for Small Libraries

Congratulations to the libraries receiving grants to serve their communities during the COVID 19 pandemic!
News September 15, 2020
ALA Releases Toolkit on Virtual Accessibility

ALA-ASGCLA published last month a new toolkit on Virtual Accessibility to support libraries offering live meetings and programs through online virtual platforms.
News July 7, 2020
Manitoba Public Libraries and COVID-19

The Manitoba Library Association today released the results of survey conducted in collaboration with Public Library Services Branch to gather information about how public libraries operations have been affected by the pandemic response.
News June 2, 2020
CFLA Issues Guidance for Canadian Libraries on Copyright and Online Storytimes

Online storytime typically relies on the use of copyright-protected materials, therefore, librarians must consider copyright legislation and whether permission, a license, or use of the fair dealing exception is required. This guideline describes these options, and provides an example of a fair dealing analysis for an early literacy-focused storytime.
News May 8, 2020
Joint Statement on COVID-19 and the Duty to Document
“We, the signatories of this statement, call on governments, businesses, and research institutions around the world to document their decisions and transactions now and for the future.”
News May 4, 2020
CFLA Issues Fair Dealing Guidance for Canadian Libraries During the Time of COVID-19

This guidance document is meant to provide clarity to support libraries in considering copyright as they provide services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
News May 4, 2020