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Everything tagged: Dalhousie LIS

Alma Matters: Danielle Allard Joins uAlberta SLIS; Mike Smit Appointed A/Associate Dean

News from Canada’s LIS programs

News April 25, 2017 

Information Without Borders

Theme: Digital Governance

Event February 15, 2017 (Type: Conference) 

Congratulations to the 2016 Dalhousie MLIS and MIM Graduates and Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2016 convocation award winners!

News June 6, 2016 

New issue of Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management (2016)

The Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management is a student-led initiative aimed at publishing Dalhousie graduate student work of the highest quality and significance in all areas of management.

News April 5, 2016 

Dalhousie SIM Research Day


Event April 7, 2016 

Invitation: Survey on MLIS Competencies

We invite current students, alumni, and those who hire graduates of the Dalhousie MLIS program to participate in our survey on the competencies needed to succeed in the library and information studies field.

News March 8, 2016 

Call for Nominations: Dalhousie SIMAA 2016 Outstanding Alumni Award

The Dalhousie School of Information Management Associated Alumni (SIMAA) invites nominations for the 2016 Outstanding Alumni Award.

News March 8, 2016 

Reminder: Survey for Youth Services and Young Adult Librarians

Public librarians working in Youth Services or Young Adult Librarianship are invited to take part in a research project called “Young Adult Use of E-Books: An Analysis of Public Library Information and Resource Offerings”.

News February 29, 2016 

Freshly Minted: Lauren Bull

MLIS Student, School of Information Management, Dalhousie University

Blog February 8, 2016 

New Issue of the YA Hotline Published

This issue of Hotline is centered around the DIY (Do it Yourself) ethos. It includes articles on DIY programming ideas for teens, feature pieces on special kinds of DIY libraries, book lists, and craft ideas.

News February 2, 2016