LAC Forum with University Partners: Exploring Decolonization on the Road to Reconciliation
March 26, 2018
Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has published the Summary Report of its November 2017 forum with its university partners on the theme of Exploring Decolonization on the Road to Reconciliation.
The event welcomed 150 participants from universities, various Indigenous communities, government departments, the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) sector, and the general public. Throughout the day-long event, students, researchers, public servants, archivists, librarians, and university faculty were presented with a variety of insights and opinions on reconciliation, and encouraged to discuss where and how their own institutions might contribute to renewed relationships with Indigenous communities.
In addition to the thought-provoking discussions and presentations, the Forum also served as an opportunity for LAC’s university partners to meet in person in order to share and discuss innovative projects and ideas related to reconciliation. By providing a platform for dialogue, the forum strived to support the advancement of reconciliation thinking and actions within academic and memory institutions.
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