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News tagged: Indigenous Peoples

International Indigenous Librarians’ Forum (IILF) 2025 Toronto: Proposal Deadline Extension

The International Indigenous Librarians’ Forum has extended the deadline to submit a proposal until February 21, 2025.

News January 14, 2025 

Call for Proposals: International Indigenous Librarians’ Forum (IILF) 2025 Toronto

Forum Theme: Gdoo-naaganinaa (Our Dish)/Sewatokwà:tshera (Dish with One Spoon)

News October 13, 2024 

Government of Ontario announces increase to funding for First Nations Public Libraries

The Government of Ontario today announced an increase of $1.25 million annually in funding to First Nations public libraries.

News October 2, 2024 

Reconciliation Toolkit for Non-Indigenous Archives in Canada now available

The CCA Archives Advisory Services Working Group (AASWG) has compiled this resource for non-Indigenous archival institutions in Canada working with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities and their documentary heritage.

News September 30, 2024 

La Boîte à outils de réconciliation pour les services d’archives non-autochtones du Canada est maintenant en ligne

Le Groupe de travail des services-conseils en archivistique (GTSCA) du CCA a compilé cette ressource à l’intention des institutions d’archives non autochtones du Canada qui travaillent avec les communautés des Premières nations, des Inuits et des Métis et avec leur patrimoine documentaire.

News September 30, 2024 

CRKN Completes Phase II of the Indigenous Subject Headings Project

In this project, CRKN staff removed outdated and disrespectful language in Canadiana subject headings and metadata that relate to Indigenous communities and replaced them with updated terminology developed with guidance from Indigenous groups and work from GLAM organizations.

News March 30, 2024 

Official Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) Version of Star Wars: A New Hope Being Created

“Gi-ga-miinigoowiz Mamaandaawiziwin” (“May the Force be with you”).

News December 18, 2023 

Release of the Saskatchewan Indigenous Subject Headings

The goal of the Saskatchewan Indigenous Subject Headings (SK ISH) project was to work with Indigenous Peoples and groups to determine what terms are preferred and then translate those terms into subject headings to be used by libraries in the province.

News November 13, 2023 

Connectivity in Rural and Remote Areas

High-speed Internet and mobile cellular connectivity is not available for Canadians in many rural, remote, and First Nations communities, affecting their ability to access online services and participate in the digital economy.

News March 27, 2023 

Media Release: Ex Libris Association Indigenous Student Bursary

The Ex Libris Association (ELA) announces the launch of its Indigenous Student Bursary to encourage more Indigenous voices among staff in all types of libraries.

News March 13, 2023