2019 Honour Roll
December 30, 2019
Congratulations to the members of the Canadian librarianship community who were recognized in 2019 for their contributions to the profession and to Canadian society!
(If we’ve forgotten to include someone, please let us know at info@librarianship.ca)
Christine M. Ardern
Arbor Award
University of Toronto
Guylaine Beaudry
Royal Society of Canada
Selinda Berg
CARL Award of Merit
Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL)
Margaret Bignell
AAO Alexander Fraser Award
Archives Association of Ontario (AAO)
Sarah Blay
UBC Library Leadership from Within Award
University of British Columbia Library
Alison Bodner
MSLA Outstanding Teacher-Librarian of the Year Award
Manitoba School Library Association (MSLA)
Brooks Public Library Board
ALTA Award of Excellence
Alberta Library Trustees’ Association (ALTA)
Nadia Caidi
ALISE / Pratt-Severn Faculty Innovation Award
Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE)
Calgary Public Library: Central Library
AIA/ALA Library Building Award
Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA), American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Christopher Callbeck
Ron MacDonald Distinguished Service Award
Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN)
Jenn Carson
APLA Advocacy Award
Atlantic Provinces Library Association (APLA)
Jenn Carson
Library Journal Movers & Shakers
Library Journal
Julie Carter
LISAA Distinguished Alumnus Award
University of Alberta Library and Information Studies Alumni Association (LISAA)
Leigh Cassell
OSLA Award for Special Achievement
Ontario School Library Association (OSLA)
Amanda Chapman
OSLA Administrator of the Year
Ontario School Library Association (OSLA) Administrator of the Year
Anton Chuppin
Library Journal Movers & Shakers
Library Journal
Catherine Coles
OPLA Leadership in Adult Reader’s Advisory Award
Ontario Public Library Association (OPLA)
Skye Corey
Library Journal Movers & Shakers
Library Journal
Carol-Anne Côté
ABQLA Anne Hébert Award
Association des bibliothécaires Quebec Library Association (ABQLA)
Rita Cox
CTO Lifetime Achievement Award
Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO)
M.J. D’Elia
Outstanding Alumni Award
Dalhousie University School of Information Management Associated Alumni
Keren Dali
ALISE Norman Horrocks Leadership Award
Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE)
Diana Davidson
LAA President’s Award
Library Association of Alberta (LAA)
Ulla de Stricker
Fellow of the Special Libraries Association
Special Libraries Association (SLA)
Bev Demach-Barnes
MLA Library Support Worker of the Year Award
Manitoba Library Association (MLA)
Claire Dionne
ABO-Franco Prix Micheline-Persaud
Association des bibliothèques de l’Ontario-Franco (ABO-Franco)
Susan Downs
OPLA Lifetime Achievement Award
Ontario Public Library Association (OPLA)
Alissa Droog, Danielle Bettridge, Alyssa Martin, and Ashleigh Yates-MacKay
ALTA Lorne MacRae Intellectual Freedom Fund Award
Alberta Library Trustees’ Association (ALTA)
Suzanne Dubeau
ACA Membership Recognition Award
Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA)
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, Library Support Services Team
OLA Technical Services Award
Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Sandra Dunkin
ARMA Canada Distinguished Service Award
ARMA Canada
Elgin County Archives: Green Screen Program
AAO Institutional Award
Archives Association of Ontario (AAO)
Cecile Farnum
Ryerson Librarian Award
Ryerson University
Tanis Fink
OCULA Lifetime Achievement Award
Ontario College and University Library Association (OCULA)
Fort Saskatchewan Public Library
Punch Jackson Award of Excellence in Library Service
Library Association of Alberta
Jennifer Fox
BC New Teacher-Librarian of the Year Award
BC Teacher-Librarians Association (BCTLA)
Amy Furness
Arbor Award
University of Toronto
Cathy Grant
OLBA W.J. Robertson Medallion (Librarian of the Year)
Ontario Library Boards’ Association (OLBA)
Greater Victoria Public Library
ALA-LLAMA John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award
Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA)
Jonathan Guilbault
Prix de la présidence au bénévole de l’année
Association des archivistes du Québec (AAQ)
Louise Hamel
CALL/ACBD Denis Marshall Memorial Award for Excellence in Law Librarianship
Canadian Association of Law Libraries (CALL)
Jessica Helps
ARMA NCR Chapter Member of the Year Award
ARMA-NCR (Ottawa) Chapter
Anne Hepplewhite
ARMA Canada Distinguished Service Award
ARMA Canada
Katherine Hill
UBC Library Employee Excellence Award
University of British Columbia Library
Jonathon Hodge
OLITA Technology Advancing Libraries Award
Ontario Library and Information Technology Association (OLITA)
Sabina Iseli-Otto
Library Journal Movers & Shakers
Library Journal
Robin Keirstead
AAO James J. Talman Award
Archives Association of Ontario (AAO)
Robin Keirstead
ACA Membership Recognition Award
Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA)
Marilyn King
ALTA Lois Hole Lifetime Achievement Award
Alberta Library Trustees’ Association (ALTA)
Marie Korey
Arbor Award
University of Toronto
Céline Lanthier
ARMA Canada Member Recognition Award
ARMA Canada
Kayla Lar-Son
LISAA Rising Star Award
University of Alberta Library and Information Studies Alumni Association (LISAA)
Paul Lesack
UBC Library Unsung Hero Award
University of British Columbia Library
Eve Leung
Arbor Award
University of Toronto
Jimmy MacAlpine
LBANS Honorary Award
Library Board Association of Nova Scotia (LBANS)
Karen MacNeill
NSLA Emile Theriault Library & Information Technology Award
Nova Scotia Library Association (NSLA)
Beth Maddigan
APLA Merit Award
Atlantic Provinces Library Association (APLA)
Lorne Madgett
UBC Library Innovation Award
University of British Columbia Library
Steve Marks
ACA Honorary Archivist Award
Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA)
Suzanne Nesbitt
ABQLA Anne Galler Award
Association des bibliothécaires Quebec Library Association (ABQLA)
Sarah Ogden
BCCATS J. McRee Elrod Leadership Award
British Columbia Library Association (BCLA) Cataloguing & Technical Services Interest Group
Zack Osborne
CHLA/ABSC Emerging Leader Award
Canada Health Libraries Association (CHLA)
Osler Library Recovery Team
Principal’s Award for Administrative and Support Staff – Team Project Category
McGill University
Yvonne Patch
OLA Larry Moore Distinguished Service Award
Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Brian Pichman
OLA Champion Award
Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Samantha Popowich
MSLA Outstanding Library Support Staff of the Year
Manitoba School Library Association (MSLA)
Ardis Proulx-Chedore
OLA Archival and Preservation Achievement Award
Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Carol Radford-Grant
Arbor Award
University of Toronto
Juanita Richardson
SLA Toronto President’s Award
Special Libraries Association (SLA) Toronto Chapter
Andrew Robert
MLA Trustee of Distinction Award
Manitoba Library Association (MLA)
Anna St. Onge
ACA Outreach and Advocacy Award
Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA)
Gillian (Jill) Shaw
AAO Emerging Leader Award
Archives Association of Ontario (AAO)
Sandra Shores
Pat Jobb Service Award
The Alberta Library
Emily Sommers
ACA New Professional Award
Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA)
Mary Lou Souter
OLA President’s Award
Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Patricia Symon
OPLA James Bain Medallion (Library Board Member of the Year)
Ontario Public Library Association (OPLA)
Thompson-Nicola Regional Library
BCLA Eureka Award
British Columbia Library Association (BCLA)
Toronto Public Library: Albion Public Library
AIA/ALA Library Building Award
Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA), American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Wendy Trimper
NSLA Norman Horrocks Award for Library Leadership
Nova Scotia Library Association (NSLA)
Tim Tripp
CHLA/ABSC Canadian Hospital Librarian of the Year Award
Canada Health Libraries Association (CHLA)
Kate Tuff
OSLA Teacher-Librarian of the Year
Ontario School Library Association (OSLA)
James Turk
OLA Les Fowlie Intellectual Freedom Award
Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Glenn Turner
OSLA Teacher-Librarian of the Year
Ontario School Library Association (OSLA)
Stephen Ullstrom
ISC Tamarack Award
Indexing Society of Canada (ISC)
University of British Columbia Library: 2018 UBC Library Digital Colouring Books Campaign
IFLA PressReader International Marketing Award
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
University of Victoria Libraries Digitization Centre Team
UVic President’s Extraordinary Service Award (Innovator Award)
University of Victoria
Vaughan Public Library Board
OLBA Joyce Cunningham Award (Library Board of the Year)
Ontario Library Boards’ Association (OLBA)
Vancouver Island Regional Library: Indigenous Voices
BCLA Building Better Communities Award
British Columbia Library Association (BCLA)
Vancouver Public Library
ALA-LLAMA John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award
Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA)
The Volunteers of the Red Deer Public Library Adult Literacy Program
Mayor’s Special Award
City of Red Deer
Fangmin Wang
Library Journal Movers & Shakers
Library Journal
West Vancouver Memorial Library: Honouring Reconciliation: Hearing the Truth
BCLA Building Better Communities Award
British Columbia Library Association (BCLA)
Martha Whitehead
CARL Award for Distinguished Service to Research Librarianship
Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL)
Mark Williams
PLA John Iliff Award
Public Library Association (PLA)
Ian Wilson
Officer of the Order of Canada
The Governor General of Canada / The Order of Canada
Alison Yntema
OPLA Children’s or Youth Services Librarian of the Year Award
Ontario Public Library Association (OPLA)
Rodney Young
ARMA NCR Ted Ferrier Award of Excellence
ARMA-NCR (Ottawa) Chapter
Baharak Yousefi
BCLA Champion of Intellectual Freedom Award
British Columbia Library Association (BCLA)
Suber Zaher-Mazawi
ACA Membership Recognition Award
Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA)
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