2022 Honour Roll
December 31, 2022
Congratulations to the members of the Canadian librarianship community who were recognized in 2022 for their contributions to the profession and to Canadian society!
(If we’ve forgotten to include someone, please let us know at info@librarianship.ca)
Last updated: February 8, 2023
Larry Alford
CRKN Ron MacDonald Distinguished Service Award
Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN)
Kerry Badgley
OLA Larry Moore Distinguished Service Award
Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Peter Bailey
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Banff Library Board (Library of Things)
Minister’s Awards for Public Library Excellence
Government of Alberta
Banff Public Library (Library of Things)
LAA Punch Jackson Award of Excellence
Library Association of Alberta (LAA)
Jordan Bass
uManitoba Merit Award
University of Manitoba
Richard Beaudry
Val Hamilton Lifetime Achievement Award
BC Teacher-Librarians Association (BCTLA)
Kailyn Bell
BCTLA New Teacher-Librarian of the Year
BC Teacher-Librarians Association (BCTLA)
Wally Bergen
BCLTA Trustee Excellence Award
British Columbia Library Trustees Association (BCLTA)
Candice Bjur
UBC Library Unsung Hero Award
University of British Columbia Library
Leigh Borden
Angela Thacker Memorial Award
Canadian School Libraries
Donna Bourne-Tyson
CARL Award for Distinguished Service to Research Librarianship
Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL)
British Columbia Historical Textbooks Project Team
BCLA Champion of Intellectual Freedom Award
British Columbia Library Association (BCLA)
Robert Burke
OPLA James Bain Medallion
Ontario Public Library Association (OPLA)
Niki Card, Nicole Ziemianski, and Christine Robinson (River East Transcona Teacher Librarian Leadership team)
MSLA Distinguished Service Award
Manitoba School Library Association (MSLA)
Megan Chellew
McGill Library Excellence Award – Librarian
McGill University Library
Chetwynd Public Library
Not For Profit of the Year
Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce
Joyce Cheung
Spirit of Librarianship Award
Western University MLIS Student Council
Chinook Arch Regional Library System Digital Literacy Program
LAA Punch Jackson Award of Excellence
Library Association of Alberta (LAA)
Johanna Cooper
NSLA Norman Horrocks Award for Library Leadership
Nova Scotia Library Association (NSLA)
Andy Cowley
Spirit of Librarianship Award
Western University MLIS Student Council
Alison Cox
Arbor Award
University of Toronto
Deb Cryderman
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Felicia de la Parra
UBC President’s Staff Award for Wellbeing
University of British Columbia (UBC)
Carlo Della Motta
McGill Library Excellence Award – Staff
McGill University Library
Yemisi Dina
Daniel L. Wade Outstanding Service Award
American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Foreign, Comparative and International Law Special Interest Section (FCIL-SIS)
Mel Edgar
BC SRC Community Story Award
British Columbia Library Association (BCLA)
Edmonton Public Library – Capilano Library
Award of Excellence
Prairie Design Awards
Edmonton Public Library Board (African and Caribbean Canadian Books in Colour)
Minister’s Awards for Public Library Excellence
Government of Alberta
Cansu Ekmekcioglu
ASIS&T New Leader Award
Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T)
Chris Evans
Val Hamilton Lifetime Achievement Award
BC Teacher-Librarians Association (BCTLA)
Lisa Fedorak
ISC Tamarack Award for Volunteers
Indexing Society of Canada (ISC)
Melissa Flett
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Julia Galmiche-Essue
BSC Emerging Scholar Prize
Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC)
Doni Gratton
BCTLA Teacher Librarian of the Year
BC Teacher-Librarians Association (BCTLA)
Regan Gunningham
Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Saskatchewan
Jenna Hartel
ALISE/Pratt-Severn Faculty Innovation Award
Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE)
Kristin Hodgins
LTRC’s Women of Legal Tech
American Bar Association (ABA) Legal Technology Resource Center (LTRC)
Huron County Public Library: Huron County Digitized Newspapers Project
OLA Archival and Preservation Achievement Award
Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Idea Exchange Old Post Office
Governor General’s Medals in Architecture
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
Jennifer Innes
McGill Library Excellence Award – Staff
McGill University Library
Camille Intson
Colleen Peterson Songwriting Award
Ontario Arts Council
Sandy Iverson
CHLA/ABSC Margaret Ridley Charlton Award of Outstanding Achievement
Canada Health Libraries Association (CHLA)
Larissa Kaminsky
BCTLA New Teacher-Librarian of the Year
BC Teacher-Librarians Association (BCTLA)
Kanta Kapoor
OLA Technical Services Award
Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Ariel Katz
CARL Award of Merit
Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL)
Megan Kennedy
CHLA/ABSC Emerging Leader Award
Canada Health Libraries Association (CHLA)
Rabia Khokhar
Angela Thacker Memorial Award
Canadian School Libraries
Sooin Kim
Arbor Award
University of Toronto
Howard Knopf
CARL Award of Merit
Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL)
Lambton County Archives
AAO Institutional Award
Archives Association of Ontario (AAO)
Robbyn Lanning
BCLA Eureka Award
British Columbia Library Association (BCLA)
Margaret Law
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Barbara Lipp
NSLA Emile Theriault Library and Information Technology Award
Nova Scotia Library Association (NSLA)
Iona McCraith
AAO Alexander Fraser Award
Archives Association of Ontario (AAO)
Shannon McGrady
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pin
Government of Canada
Pilar Martinez
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Katrina Matt
SLA Mary Donaldson Award of Merit
Saskatchewan Library Association (SLA)
Anne C. Matthewman
AALL Hall of Fame Award
American Association of Law Libraries (AALL)
Sarah Meilleur
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Courtney Mellor
OLITA Technology Advancing Libraries Award
Ontario Library and Information Technology Association (OLITA)
Middlesex Centre Archives
AAO Institutional Award
Archives Association of Ontario (AAO)
Shaunna Mireau
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Tara Mora
OLA Champion Award
Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Heather O’Brien
ASIS&T Research in Information Science Award
Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T)
Ontario Library Association 2021 Super Conference Planning Committee
OLA President’s Award for Exceptional Achievement
Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Ontario’s Public Library Boards
OLBA Joyce Cunningham Award (Library Board of the Year)
Ontario Library Boards’ Association (OLBA)
Ontario’s Teacher Librarians And Library Professionals
OSLA Teacher-Librarian of the Year
Ontario School Library Association (OSLA)
Karla Palichuk
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Erin Patterson
CAUT Academic Librarians’ and Archivists’ Distinguished Service Award
Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT)
Penhold Library Board (Adventure Awaits Summer Reading Program)
Minister’s Awards for Public Library Excellence
Government of Alberta
Colette Poitras
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Hope Power
BCcampus Award for Excellence in Open Education
Amy Rankin
Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Saskatchewan
Rebecca Raven
Ken Haycock Award for Promoting Librarianship
Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC)
Mélanie Raymond
ABO-Franco Prix Micheline-Persaud
Association des bibliothèques de l’Ontario-Franco (ABO-Franco)
Richmond Hill Public Library – Oak Ridges Library
OLA New Building Award
Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Christine Robinson, Niki Card, and Nicole Ziemianski (River East Transcona Teacher Librarian Leadership team)
MSLA Distinguished Service Award
Manitoba School Library Association (MSLA)
Louisa Robison
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Matthew Rohweder
OCUFA Academic Librarianship Award
Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA)
Mary-Jo Romaniuk
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
James Roussain
AAO Emerging Leader Award
Archives Association of Ontario (AAO)
Rebeca Rubio
Angela Thacker Memorial Award
Canadian School Libraries
Joanne Rumig
Professional Achievement Award
Carleton University
Pia Russell
BC Academic Librarians Section (ALS) Outstanding Contribution Award
British Columbia Library Association (BCLA) Academic Librarians Section
St. Albert Public Library Community Outreach Team
LAA Punch Jackson Award of Excellence
Library Association of Alberta (LAA)
Jonelle St. Aubyn
Angela Thacker Memorial Award
Canadian School Libraries
Toni Samek
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Hugh Samson
Fantastic FIMS Award
Western University MLIS Student Council
Saskatchewan Health Authority Library Librarians and Library Technicians
CHLA/ABSC Flower Award for Innovation and Quality Improvement
Canada Health Libraries Association (CHLA)
Alvin Schrader
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Sharon Siga
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Brenda Smith
COPPUL Outstanding Contribution Award
Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL)
Deb Smith
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Jan Smith
SLA Frances Morrison Award
Saskatchewan Library Association (SLA)
Julie Spurrell
ABCPLD Award of Excellence
Association of B.C. Public Library Directors (ABCPLD)
Hannah Steeves
CALL Nancy McCormack Emerging Leader Award
Canadian Association of Law Libraries (CALL)
Reece Steinberg
Toronto Metropolitan Librarian Award
Toronto Metropolitan University
Jenni Stevenson
MSLA Outstanding Library Support Staff of the Year
Manitoba School Library Association (MSLA)
Surrey Schools, School District 36, Surrey, British Columbia
Leading Learning Implementation Award
Canadian School Libraries
Margaret Sutherland
Council of the Federation (COF) Literacy Award
Council of the Federation
Jennifer Thiessen
Accessibility and Inclusion Recognition Award
Brock University
Melissa Tomecz
ABQLA Anne Galler Award for Outstanding Library Service
Association des bibliothécaires du Québec – Quebec Library Association
Michelle Toombs
LAA President’s Award
Library Association of Alberta (LAA)
Toronto Public Library – North York Central Library Interior Renovation
Outstanding Historic Renovation Project
American Library Association (ALA) / International Interior Design Association (IIDA)
Chris Trainor
Professional Achievement Award
Carleton University
Natalia Tukhareli
OHLIA Lifetime Achievement Award
Ontario Health Library and Information Association (OHLIA)
David Van
UBC Library Unsung Hero Award
University of British Columbia Library
Vancouver Island Regional Library – Sooke Library
Merit Award (Community Institutional)
Capital Region Commercial Building Awards
Arielle VanderSchans
Fantastic FIMS Award
Western University MLIS Student Council
Keith Walker
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Waterloo Public Library – Eastside Branch
OLA New Building Award
Ontario Library Association (OLA)
Linda Weaselhead
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal
Government of Alberta
Lonnie Weatherby
McGill Library Excellence Award – Librarian
McGill University Library
Bev Werbuk
MSLA Outstanding Teacher-Librarian of the Year
Manitoba School Library Association (MSLA)
Whister Public Library
BCLA Building Better Communities Award
British Columbia Library Association (BCLA)
Mark Williams
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pin
Government of Canada
The Willow Awards (Saskatchewan Young Readers’ Choice Awards Inc.)
SLA Distinguished Service Award
Saskatchewan Library Association (SLA)
Kristen Wong
UBC Library Employee Excellence Award
University of British Columbia Library
Linda Woodcock
BCcampus Award for Excellence in Open Education
Sonia Zagwyn
BCLA Young Adult and Children’s Services Section Award
British Columbia Library Association (BCLA) Young Adult and Children’s Services Section
Nicole Ziemianski, Nik Card, and Christine Robinson (River East Transcona Teacher Librarian Leadership team)
MSLA Distinguished Service Award
Manitoba School Library Association (MSLA)
5 replies on “2022 Honour Roll”
Congratulations to my friends and colleagues from years ago, Sharon Siga, Pilar Martinez and Margaret Law.
I concur with Joy’s congrats to Pilar Marinez, Margaret Law, and Sharon Siga
Congratulations Rebecca Raven in winning the Ken Haycock award. A talented lady!
Congratulations to all recipients, and special recognition to Sharon Siga, Pilar Martinez, Peter Bailey and Alvin Schrader.
Wow – what an amazing group of individuals. Congratulations to each of these award winners who do all of us proud to work in the library and information sector. Thank you to each of you for your work for the sector, for your communities, campuses and organizations!