13 Questions With: Tori Murray
May 8, 2019
Library Technician, Ottawa Catholic School Board
Who inspires you in your career?
Lots of people, including my good friend Emily. I am also inspired by the people I work with and the students at my school.
The first job you ever held and at what age and your first position in the library and/or information services field?
I did some babysitting when I was 12ish, but my first real job with a paycheque was also my first position in a library. I worked during lunch in my school library doing circ and shelving and got paid for it! I was 17 and doing my A-Levels.
Why a career in librarianship?
Yes, I will say it, I love reading. But it’s more than books that made me want to work in libraries. I have always loved going to the library. It was a place to discover a world outside of my small town. I considered going to university at 18 to study Library Studies in England, but life took me in a different direction. When I had my first child, we regularly visited our local library and I was reminded me of the joy that libraries brought to my life. It wasn’t until I moved to Canada that I had an opportunity to go back to college and take the LIT program. To me, the library feels like home.
Coolest thing in your cubicle or office?
That’s a hard question to answer. My “office” is the circ desk and I have lots of cool things on it from my Lego Minifigure collection to my Elephant and Piggie stuffies.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Frazzles (English bacon flavoured crisps).
Career advice – what’s your top tip?
Communication. Talk to everyone and make connections.
What useless skill(s) do you possess?
I can touch my nose with my tongue.
Proudest moment in your professional life?
Speaking at the Ontario Library Association (OLA) Super Conference to a room full of fellow Library Technicians about working in a School Library.
If you had 24 hours all to yourself, how would you best like to spend it
Cliched I know, but having copious amounts of tea whilst reading!
If you didn’t work in the information industry, what would you be doing?
I honestly don’t know. I’ve had a few jobs over the years, but I haven’t ever felt like I was enjoying my job until I became a School Library Technician.
Finish this sentence: “In high school, I would have been voted the person most likely to … “
…talk to everyone.
How do you stay current in your field?
I follow lots of people on Twitter, groups on Facebook, read blogs, talk to colleagues.
What would you like your headstone to read?
I hope they have tea in heaven.
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